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  • Title 1: Name and mission

    Article 1

    The Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille, a Training and Research Unit, is a component of Aix-Marseille University (AMU) under the terms of Article L. 713-2 of the Education Code.

    Article 2

    The Faculty of Law and Political Science comprises five Departments: Private Law and Criminal Sciences, Public Law and Political Science, History of Law, Economic, Social and Human Sciences, and Languages, as well as institutes that actively participate in the realization of its missions and actions.

    The list of institutes is annexed to the present statutes.

    It shall also associate research centres or laboratories with its operation and activities.

    Article 3

    The main mission of the Faculty is to ensure the initial training of students in the field of Law and Political Science, as well as in the Humanities and Social Sciences useful for a better understanding of legal and political issues (in particular Criminology, Economics, Anthropology, History, Letters, Foreign Languages, Communication, Accounting and Urban Planning). It develops professional, continuing and permanent training. Within this framework, and in application of articles L. 1221-1, L. 2123-16, L. 3123-14 and L. 4135-14 as well as articles R. 1221-12, R. 1221-14 and R. 1221-15, of the General Code of Territorial Collectivities, the Faculty benefits from the approval of the Ministry of the Interior to provide training to local elected officials for the period of time stipulated in the decision recognizing it.

    It participates in the development of research in its fields of competence and contributes to the professional integration of its students.

    To this end, it provides its students with the general and specialized culture that is essential for their individual training and their entry into professional life.

    Article 4

    The Faculty prepares students for the State diplomas for which the University is accredited, and in particular for the following diplomas Capacity in Law, Licence, Licence in Public Administration, Professional Licence, Master.

    It participates in the preparation of doctorates in Law and Political Science, in collaboration with the Doctoral School of Legal and Political Sciences, ED 67, to which these degrees are attached.

    It prepares students for university diplomas, in particular the Diplômes d'Études Supérieures d'Université, which fall within its remit.

    It also prepares its students for the various competitive examinations or exams within its fields of competence (in particular the Agrégation, E.N.A., E.N.M., C.R.F.P.A., and other major administrative competitive examinations) and may also organise non-degree courses for them.

    Article 5

    In the accomplishment of its missions, the Faculty develops partnerships with local authorities, law professionals and companies.

    It endeavours to promote and monitor the professional integration of its students, in close collaboration with these different partners.

    Article 6

    The Faculty welcomes trainees from continuing education and permanent training in all the diplomas and courses it organises, possibly with the necessary pedagogical adaptations to facilitate their integration.

    Training, retraining or advanced training courses are organized at the initiative of the Faculty or at the request of professional or institutional partners.

    The Faculty organizes or facilitates the access or the reception in all its diplomas or preparations of trainees benefiting from the validation of the professional experience or the experience acquired.

    Article 7

    As part of its policy of European and international openness, the Faculty initiates and develops cooperation partnerships with foreign institutions and faculties.

    In particular, it organises student and teacher exchange programmes and participates in research activities within the framework of inter-university agreements.

    It shall also contribute to the construction of a European higher education area, in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the European authorities.

    Article 8

    Through its various missions and its scientific influence, the Faculty of Law and Political Science participates, within the University, in the development of knowledge and skills, both at the regional and national levels, and at the European and international levels.

    The Faculty of Law and Political Science affirms its strong commitment to training in research and through research, and thus intends to contribute to the values of humanity and progress.

    Article 9

    The Faculty of Law and Political Science is administered by an elected Council and a Director of the UPR, bearing the title of Dean. In accordance with the provisions of L. 713-3 of the Education Code, the Dean is a teacher-researcher, a teacher or a researcher involved in teaching, working in the UFR, elected for a five-year term of office, renewable once.

    For a better participation of all the members of the community, the Council and the Dean are surrounded by the opinion of the commissions provided for in the present statutes.

    The departments, institutes and research centres or laboratories are also associated with the preparation of the decisions of the Faculty's bodies.

  • Title 2: Council

    • Section 1: Composition

      Article 10The Faculty Council is composed of forty members, distributed as follows:

      • 32 elected members:
        • 9 professors, teachers-researchers and researchers representing the professors and assimilated personnel;
        • 9 teachers-researchers, teachers and researchers representing the other teachers and similar staff
        • 5 representatives of the administrative, technical and service staff;
        • 9 representatives of users (students in initial and continuing education; auditors)
      • 8 external personalities: Under category 1 set by art. L719-3
        • 1 person appointed by the P.A.C.A. Regional Council, as well as his substitute of the same sex
        • 1 person appointed by the Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Council, and his or her substitute of the same sex
        • 1 person appointed by the Metropolis of Aix-Marseille-Provence, and their substitute of the same sex
        • 1 representative of the Bouches-du-Rhône employers' organisation, the UPE13, and his or her alternate of the same sex
        • 1 representative of the most representative employee union in the last AMU professional elections, and his or her alternate of the same gender
        • 1 representative of the Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence, and his or her alternate of the same gender

      For category 2 set by art. L719-3 :

      2 personalities appointed by the Council in a personal capacity,

      These 2 personalities are proposed by the elected members of the component council.

      Once the candidacies have been collected and declared admissible, they will be sent to the elected members of the UFR Council and will be submitted to the vote for deliberation, according to the procedures set out in article 14 of the present statutes.

      To be declared admissible by the administration of the RFU, the candidatures must

      1. meet the conditions set out in article D 719-47 of the Education Code, which recalls the notion of "member from outside the institution
      2. Include a CV and a letter of motivation, two single-sided pages maximum each.
      3. Be proposed by an elected member of the board of the UFR

      Applications may be :

      • Either hand-delivered to the Administrative Manager of the component Or sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Administrative Manager of the component, 3 avenue Robert Schuman 13 328 Aix-en-Provence

      By the candidate him/herself, with a letter of support from an elected member of the council or by an elected member of a council.

      Whatever the method of transmission chosen, applications must be received 15 days before the meeting of the board scheduled for the appointment of external personalities.

      The administration of the UFR has the possibility of requesting additional documents from the candidates during the examination of admissibility, up to 8 days before the date of the UFR council planned for the designation of the external personalities. To be filled, each seat will be submitted to deliberation of the council and must obtain the majority of the votes of the members of the council, in accordance with article 14 of the present statutes.

      If the majority is not obtained, the seat will be submitted for further deliberation according to the same procedures. Gender parity must be respected among the 8 external personalities in accordance with articles D 719-41 to D719-47-5 of the Education Code.

      If parity could not be established through the designation of external personalities appointed in a personal capacity (category 2), a draw determines who, among the local authorities, institutions and organisations (category 1) having designated representatives of the over-represented sex, is or are called upon to designate a personality of the under-represented sex.

      The Department Directors, or their representatives, are invited to attend the Faculty Council and participate, in an advisory capacity, in its deliberations.

    • Section 2: Operations for the election of the members of the Council

      Article 11

      The members of the Faculty Council are elected by their respective colleges in a one-round ballot by proportional representation, without a mixture, according to the system of the largest remainder, and with the possibility of an incomplete list.

      For each user representative, a substitute is elected under the same conditions as the titular member.

      Article 12

      The mandates are renewed every 4 years, except for the student representatives, whose mandate is for 2 years.

      Article 13

      Teaching and non-teaching staff as well as students registered under the conditions set by the regulations in force in their respective colleges are eligible to vote.

      All voters regularly registered on the electoral lists are eligible for election to the college to which they belong.

      Article 14

      The two external personalities appointed by the Faculty Council in a personal capacity are elected by the Council by a relative majority of its members. The mandate of the external personalities has the same duration as that of the elected teaching members and other personnel.

      These personalities are proposed by the elected members of the component council.

      Once the candidacies have been collected and declared admissible, they will be sent to the elected members of the UFR Council and will be submitted to the vote for deliberation, according to the methods provided for in the previous paragraph.

      To be declared admissible by the administration of the RFU, the candidatures must

      1. meet the conditions set out in article D 719-47 of the Education Code, which recalls the notion of "member from outside the institution
      2. Include a CV and a letter of motivation, two single-sided pages maximum each.
      3. Be proposed by an elected member of the board of the UFR

      Applications may be delivered by hand to the Administrative Manager of the component; or sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Administrative Manager of the component, 3 avenue Robert Schuman 13 328 Aix-en-Provence; by the candidate himself, with a letter of support from an elected member of the board or by an elected member of a board.

      Whatever the method of transmission chosen, the applications must be received 15 days before the meeting of the board scheduled for the appointment of external personalities.

      The administration of the UFR has the possibility of requesting additional documents from the candidates during the examination of admissibility, up to 8 days before the date of the UFR council planned for the appointment of the external personalities.

      In order to be filled, each seat will be submitted to the council for deliberation and must obtain a majority of the votes of the council members.

      If the majority is not obtained, the seat will be submitted for deliberation again according to the same procedures.

      Parity between women and men must be respected among the 8 external personalities in accordance with articles D 719-41 to D719-47-5 of the Education Code.

      If parity has not been established through the designation of external personalities appointed in a personal capacity (category 2), lots shall be drawn to determine who, among the local authorities, institutions and organisations (category 1) that have designated representatives of the over-represented sex, is or are called upon to designate a personality of the under-represented sex

      Article 15

      The staff and users of the Faculty shall be convened, by order of the President of the University, for the election of their representatives in the Faculty Council. This decree shall be brought to the attention of the voters by means of a poster within the time limits and under the conditions fixed by the statutes of the University.

      The submission of candidacies is compulsory. The lists of candidates must be sent by registered letter, or deposited with the President of the University. The deposit will be acknowledged.

      The lists must be accompanied by an individual declaration of candidacy signed by each candidate.

      Candidates are ranked in preferential order. For the election of student representatives, lists may be incomplete if they include a number of candidates equal to at least half of the seats to be filled.

      Article 16

      The deadline for the submission of lists of candidates may in no case be more than eight clear days or less than two clear days before the date of the ballot.

      Article 17

      During the ballot, all propaganda shall be subject to the rules laid down by the University.

      Article 18

      Strict equality shall be observed in the treatment of the lists in question and in the material organisation of the operations.

      During university elections, the distribution of leaflets in university buildings shall be authorised in accordance with the provisions of the decree convening the electoral colleges. In any case, it must not disrupt the smooth running of teaching, research and administrative activities.

      Article 19

      The polling stations shall be composed in accordance with the regulatory provisions of the Education Code.

      Article 20

      Each polling station shall draw up minutes of the electoral operations on a document provided by the Faculty.

      These minutes will be given without delay to the management of the UFR which will centralize the results and will have to record the names of the different persons who have constituted them.

      The Board decides provisionally on the difficulties which arise concerning the electoral operations. Its decisions are motivated and must be recorded in the minutes.

      Article 21

      Voting by proxy shall be possible under the conditions laid down in the Education Code.

    • Section 3: Operation of the Council

      Article 22

      The Council shall elect the Dean by an absolute majority of its members in the first two rounds. In the third round, a relative majority shall suffice. Voting by proxy shall be possible under the conditions laid down in this section.

      Article 23

      The Faculty Council shall hold at least three meetings per year, convened by the Dean who shall determine the agenda of the meetings.

      The Dean may convene a council whenever he/she deems it useful. He is obliged to do so when the request is presented to him by at least a quarter of the members of the Council.

      He is also obliged to include in the agenda any question whose inclusion has been requested by at least one fifth of the members of the Council.

      The Board may meet in a formation restricted to teachers for matters which concern them exclusively.

      Article 24

      The Council shall be chaired by the Dean and shall establish its own rules of procedure by an absolute majority of its members. The Administrative Manager of the Faculty Services shall attend the debates of the Council in an advisory capacity. He/she is responsible for the secretariat. The Board may invite to sit, depending on the agenda, in an advisory capacity, any outside personality whose presence it considers desirable.

      The Faculty Council may only validly deliberate in the presence of the persons who regularly compose it.

      The quorum, corresponding to half of the members in office present or represented, is verified at the beginning of the meeting.

      In the event that the quorum is not obtained following a first meeting, the Board may validly meet after a period of eight clear days, regardless of the number of members present or represented, on the same agenda.

      Voting by proxy is authorized.

      When an elected member is unable to attend a Council meeting, he/she may give a proxy to another elected member of his/her college to vote in his/her place.

      Each elected representative present may not have more than two proxies.

      Any proxy is only valid for the meeting for which or during which it was given.

      The users and the titular external personalities can give a proxy which can only be used when their substitute is absent. The substitute may not give a proxy.

      The decisions of the Council, except for exceptions provided for by the law or the present statutes, are voted by a simple majority of the votes cast.

      For personal matters, a secret ballot is compulsory. All other votes shall be by show of hands. A secret ballot may be held when at least one of the members present or represented so requests.

      Minutes shall be kept of each meeting of the Council.

      Article 25

      The Council shall deliberate on all matters within its competence. It may also make proposals, which shall then be forwarded to the competent bodies of the University.

      Article 26

      The Council shall vote on the budget by an absolute majority of its members in the first round, and by a relative majority in the second round.

      The Council shall adopt the budget of the UFR in balance.

      Article 27

      The Council defines the orientations of the Faculty within the strategic framework defined by the University. It takes initiatives and measures to adapt or have adapted, within the framework of national regulations, the teaching provided and the diplomas prepared by the Faculty to the specific needs of each profession.

      It elaborates the procedures of control and verification of knowledge and aptitudes, subject to the provisions of the law. It defines the training courses provided by the Faculty.

      It examines, each year, in a formation restricted to teachers, the distribution of teaching proposed by the Departments and the Councils of mentions.

      Article 28

      The Council proposes to the University Councils any cooperation agreement with any scientific or cultural establishment, public or private.

      It shall take initiatives and measures to organize and develop cooperation with foreign institutions.

      Article 29

      The Council shall decide on the creation of departments, institutes and research centres or laboratories under the conditions provided for in titles 7 and 8 of the present statutes.

  • Title 3: The Dean

    Article 30

    The Dean shall be elected for a period of five years, renewable once. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of the Council if he/she is not an elected member.

    For the election of the Dean, the Council shall meet at the request and under the chairmanship of its oldest member.

    Article 31

    The Dean represents the Faculty. He/she executes the decisions of the Faculty Council. He/she is in charge of the material organization of the examinations. On delegation of the President of the University, he/she may be responsible for the order and the police of the premises. He/she directs the administration of the Faculty.

    The Dean, designated as secondary authorizing officer, prepares the budget of the UFR. He/she ensures the execution of the budget voted in terms of expenditure and revenue.

    Article 32

    The Dean composes his team of assessors and submits it to the Faculty Council for approval.

    Their functions are then specified.

    Some of them may be given the title of Vice-Dean. Their functions and attributions are then specified and brought to the attention of the members of the Council.

    One or more professors who are not members of the Faculty Council may be proposed as assessors and/or vice-dean.

    On the proposal of the Dean, the Faculty Council may terminate the functions of assessor or vice-dean.

    The Dean may appoint and terminate the functions of one or more temporary chargés de mission. He/she informs the Faculty Council.

    The functions of vice-dean, assessor and representative are terminated at the same time as the mandate of the Dean.

  • Title 4: The Teachers' Council

    Article 33

    The Council of Teachers brings together all the teachers-researchers and other tenured teachers of the Faculty.

    It is convened at least twice a year. It is chaired by the Dean who sets the agenda.

    In addition to the information transmitted by the Dean, it can be consulted and express wishes on any question, proposal, file or project of common interest.

    It is informed of the distribution of courses. The Council may also be convened by the Dean at the request of at least 30 teacher-researchers.

  • Title 5: The Faculty Advisory Boards

    Article 34

    The Dean may seek the advice of the following committees: Committee on Pedagogy and Training, Committee on Research and Development, Committee on Administration and Finance

    On the proposal of the Dean, the Faculty Council may create other specialized advisory committees.

    • Section 1: The "Pedagogy and Training" Committee

      Article 35

      The "Pedagogy and Training" committee is composed of the heads of the Master's programs, the heads of the Bachelor's programs, the offices of the Departments, the Director of Continuing Education, the Directors of the Institutes, representatives of the administration, and student representatives elected to the Faculty Council.

      It can be consulted, issue wishes or work on any question, proposal, file or project related to teaching or student life.

      The Dean or his representative convenes and presides over it.

    • Section 2: The "Research and Development" Committee

      Article 36

      The "Research and Development" committee is composed of the Dean's advisor in charge of research, the directors of the research centres or laboratories, the representatives of the doctoral students at the Doctoral School Council and of the Legal and Political Sciences, ED 67, and the representatives of the Master 2 students elected at the Faculty Council.

      It can be consulted, issue wishes or work on any question, proposal, file or project related to research or development.

      The Dean or his representative convenes and chairs the committee. The Director of the Doctoral School of Legal and Political Sciences is an ex officio member.

    • Section 3: The Administration and Finance Committee

      Article 37

      The "Administration and Finance" committee is composed of the directors of the departments of the Faculty, the directors of the institutes, centres or research laboratories, the heads of the responsibility centres, the representatives of the administration and a representative of the financial service of the Faculty.

      It may be consulted, issue wishes or work on any question or proposal, any file or project relating to administration or finance.

      The Dean or his representative convenes and presides over it.

  • Title 6: Departments of the Faculty

    Article 38

    Within the Faculty, and in accordance with the orientations determined by its authorities, the Faculty Departments bring together teams of full and associate professors.

    The creation of a Department of the Faculty as well as its internal regulations are approved by the Faculty Council. The internal regulations of each Department must comply with the present statutes.

    Article 39

    The action of the Departments falls within the framework of the general guidelines set by the University and the Faculty in the field of education.

    They are entitled to present proposals concerning the evolution of the courses in their field of study. They propose each year, at least for the bachelor's degree and the capacity, the distribution of the teaching falling within their competence. For the distribution of courses falling within the competence of several departments, a meeting of their boards may be envisaged.

    The distribution of Master 1 and 2 courses is proposed each year by the Councils of the fields to which these courses are attached.

    Article 40

    The Departments are administered by a Director assisted by two Deputy Directors. They make up the Department's office. With the exception of the Department of Languages, at least one of the members of the office must have the status of Senior Lecturer.

    The Director of the Department is appointed by the Faculty Council on the proposal of the Dean and a prior proposal of all the members of the Department expressed by a vote. The Deputy Directors are appointed under the same conditions.

    The term of office of the Director is four years. This mandate is renewable once.

    Article 41

    The Department Council is composed of the full and associate professors of the Department.

  • Title 7: Research Institutes, Centres or Laboratories at the Faculty

    Article 42

    Within the Faculty, or in association with it, and in accordance with the orientations determined by its authorities or those of the Departments of the Faculty, institutes, centers or laboratories that are not labeled participate in teaching and research activities.

    Under the conditions provided for by the statutes or internal regulations previously approved by the Faculty Council, each institute, center or laboratory of the Faculty is administered by a council and a director.

    The creation of an institute, center or laboratory is approved by the Faculty Council. The proposal may come from a Department of the Faculty.

    The Dean is an ex-officio member of the council of each institute, centre or laboratory of the Faculty.

    The institutes, centres or laboratories communicate to the Dean, before the end of each calendar year, their financial statement and their budget, as well as a statement and a programme of their teaching and research activities.

  • Title 8: Adoption and revision of the statutes

    Article 43

    The present statutes are adopted by an absolute majority of the members of the Faculty Council in office.

    They may be revised under the same conditions.

    Decisions relating to the Statutes shall be addressed to the Board of Directors of the University and must be approved by it.

Rules for the constitution and operation of FDSP departments and councils

The departments ensure the breakdown of teaching in the Bachelor's degree, professional licenses, and the public administration license, both in initial training and in continuing education.

In addition to teaching, the departments must, while respecting the freedom of the teachers, ensure the pedagogical coordination of all the courses and tutorials given on the three sites and in the different divisions. The departments may also take up any question relating to teaching, pedagogy or student life and make proposals to the Dean.

The language department also proposes the distribution of all foreign language courses in English, German, Spanish and Italian for all master's degrees.

  • Chapter 1: Departments

    The departments ensure the breakdown of teaching in the Bachelor's degree, professional licenses, and the public administration license, both in initial training and in continuing education.

    In addition to teaching, the departments must, while respecting the freedom of the teachers, ensure the pedagogical coordination of all the courses and tutorials given on the three sites and in the different divisions. The departments may also take up any question relating to teaching, pedagogy or student life and make proposals to the Dean.

    The language department also proposes the distribution of all foreign language courses in English, German, Spanish and Italian for all master's degrees.

  • Chapter 2: Mentioning councils

    I. Composition

    The councils of the fields of study are composed of the director of the field of study and the director of each type of course, either as a single or dual member.

    The management of the field is ensured by a director and a possible co-director. After a call for candidates (in the form of a list in the case of co-directorship) and exchanges between the Dean and the candidates, the candidates are presented by the Dean to the Faculty Council in a restricted formation. The presentation will be followed by a vote in the Faculty Council in restricted formation.

    The management of the courses is ensured by a director and a possible co-director. The director of the field of study proposes to the Dean the list of all the directors of the fields of study of the field of study. Particular attention will be paid to the representation of professors and lecturers and to gender parity. After discussion with the department, the dean submits the list to the Faculty Council for a vote, in restricted formation.

    The term of office of the director of the field and of the type courses is aligned with the duration of the establishment contract, without it being possible to serve more than two consecutive terms.

    The functions of the director of the field and of the pathways are incompatible, unless an exemption for a legitimate reason is granted by the Faculty Council.

    The functions of department and specialization director are incompatible, unless an exemption for legitimate reasons is granted by the Faculty Council.

    Moreover, it is not possible to direct several master's courses.

    II. Competences

    Each year, the departmental councils propose the distribution of the courses of the two years of the department to which these courses are attached. The departmental councils may also address any question relating to teaching, pedagogy or student life and make proposals to the Dean.

    In collaboration with the directors of the typical courses, the departments of the fields of study carry out all the missions relating to :

    III. the institutional contract

    IV. the pedagogical commissions

    V. the terms of assessment of knowledge

    VI. communication on the training offer

    VII. the promotion of the training offer

  • Chapter 3: The joint work of departments and councils of mention

    Each department director and departmental council will be informed of all lectures and tutorials offered by the Faculty of Law and Political Science.

    Prior to the meeting of the departments and of the councils of mention:

    VIII. The directors of the departments will receive the wishes of the teachers for the licence (FI and FC), the LAP, the LP and the capacity in Law.

    IX. The department directors will receive the teachers' wishes for the department and the course directors' wishes for the standard courses of the department.

    Once all this information has been collected, the departmental offices and the departmental directors will have to plan, after working together, a distribution of teaching according to the wishes previously expressed, taking into account the specialities, the statutory service obligations of each person, and a balanced distribution of services between the different levels of training and on the different sites. If necessary, the departmental offices and the directorates of mention will propose arbitrations.

    The proposed distribution of teaching will then be discussed in each department and in the departmental councils before being adopted. The proposed distribution will then be sent to the Dean so that he can submit it to the Faculty Council in restricted formation. All the elements will then be transmitted to the President of Aix-Marseille University.