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AAP Programme Européen Interreg - Appel 5 - Projets thématiques stratégiques territoriaux - date limite pré-candidature 26 09 2024 à 13h00 - date limite candidature complète 28 02 2025 à 13h00

Online 18 06 2024

AAP Programme Européen Interreg - Appel 5 - Projets thématiques stratégiques territoriaux - date limite pré-candidature 26 09 2024 à 13h00 - date limite candidature complète 28 02 2025 à 13h00

I Summary of the scheme

A General framework (sources - interreg euromed website)

This call for proposals is aimed exclusively at thematic strategic territorial projects.

These projects must address the common needs and challenges of a specific type of territory by tackling identified strategic topics.

There are two strategic topics: waste prevention and reduction, and water scarcity. The specific territories concerned are islands, rural areas and mountainous zones.

As such, they have above all a territorial impact, based on the involvement of all the players concerned in order to trigger tailor-made solutions or strategies in line with the territory and the chosen topic. These must be adapted to the type of territory targeted, and be capable of influencing national, regional or local policies by studying (developing), testing and transferring jointly elaborated solutions or strategies.

To this end, thematic strategic territorial projects must combine: carrying out studies, testing solutions and transferring results.

B pdf from DRV

Information source: DRV e-mail to units dated 18 06 2024 at 1:50 p.m.

pdf from DRV

For application deadlines, please refer to the application dates available on the interreg euromed website (see paragraph II. B below).

II How to apply

A Contact DRV

Information source: DRV e-mail to units dated 18 06 2024 at 13h50

Magali NIOX

B Application deadlines (sources - interreg euromed website)

Pre-application phase

Pre-application opening date 18 06 2024 13h00

Pre-application deadline 26 09 2024 at 1:00 pm

Application phase

Full application opening 07 01 2025 13:00

Application deadline 28 02 2025 at 1:00 PM