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Professional Bachelor's degree in logistics and international transport - Course: Management and law of maritime transport

  • Initial training - Continuing education - Work-linked training
  • 1 year
  • Marseille (GPMM)
  • AIMS

    Developed in partnership with the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille, the LP MDTM aims to train operating agents, consignment agents, charterers, commercial assistants, shipping/water clerks, transport litigators, legal assistants and more generally, employees and managers who are immediately operational in all service professions in the maritime, logistics and port sectors (shipowners, shipping agents, freight forwarders/commission agents, stevedores, shippers, ship brokers, insurers and marine surveyors, logistics providers, maritime and port industries).

    The training can be followed in initial training but is mainly provided in alternating (apprenticeship and professionalization contracts).

    Students admitted to the program have the possibility to follow the Logistics Manager title delivered by AFTRAL in parallel and thus obtain a double diploma at the end of their year.


    Applications for admission should be addressed to the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille: Carine FABRE, , tél. 04 91 39 51 11, GPMM, Institut de formation, 23 place de la Joliette, CS 81965, 13226 Marseille. The application file can be downloaded from the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille website (

    Conditions of admission:

    • Study of the application, CV and cover letter
    • .
    • General interview and on the candidate's professional project
    • .
    • English language assessment test
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    • Admission on the favourable opinion of the University Educational Commission
    • .

    Bac+2 (DUT, BTS, University, Business School)



    Ability to understand and express oneself in English.


    • FDSP, Aix-en-Provence

    The training through research finds an echo in the tutorial project, for which the students benefit from an initiation to research and synthesis techniques. LP students also have privileged access to the library of the Centre for Maritime and Transport Law. In addition, students are invited to attend the various conferences and lectures organised by the Transport Department and the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille.


    The graduate masters the workings of the trades and functions of companies in the international logistics chain.
    He/she organizes the transit of goods and coordinates maritime and land transport
    He deals with all the administrative, legal, financial and accounting formalities of the flow of goods.
    He/she masters the organization of the logistics chain, the management of purchases in industrial companies, the mechanisms of distribution, in order to evaluate the costs and performance of logistics and thus to advise companies in the best possible way.
    He is familiar with the rules of maritime law and its practice, knows the rules applicable to the responsibility of the various participants in the transport chain, the procedures to be used in case of incidents with the goods.

    He masters English and the specific terminology used in transport.


    Students in initial training must complete an internship in a company for a minimum of three months. All students must also complete a tutored project, lasting 150 hours, which consists of writing a collective professional thesis (2 to 5 students per project) on a subject related to the courses followed and validated by the teaching staff.


    The teaching alternates between theoretical teaching (lectures, 200h) and practical teaching (tutorials, 200h).


    The lessons will take place in the premises of the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille, Bâtiment J1, Place de la Joliette Marseille



    • 128G Droit fiscal ; Droit des affaires ; Droit pénal ; Droit de l'environnement ; Droit de la santé ; Droit de la sécurité et de la défense ; Droit du transport etc (fr)
    • 311N Etudes et projets d organisation de transit de biens ou de personnes (fr)
    • 311W Vente des services de transport et de magasinage (fr)

    Information non disponible

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Professional Degree in Maritime Transport Management and Law
Class of 2015-2016
After a BTS in Transport and Logistics Services, I went on to study for a Professional Licence in "Management and Law of Maritime Transport" in partnership with the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille and the University of Aix-Marseille. Then I joined an International Trade & Logistics Master's degree with a second year of work experience in China for CMA-CGM. The group offered me in November 2018 to continue my career by integrating a V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Being originally from Madagascar, I took this opportunity be […]
Professional Degree in Maritime Transport Management and Law
Class of 2015-2016
After a BTS in Transport and Logistics Services, I went on to study for a Professional Licence in "Management and Law of Maritime Transport" in partnership with the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille and the University of Aix-Marseille. Then I joined an International Trade & Logistics Master's degree with a second year of work experience in China for CMA-CGM. The group offered me in November 2018 to continue my career by integrating a V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Being originally from Madagascar, I took this opportunity because the desire to leave and discover other cultures was part of my priorities. I took the position of Business Developer for the CCIS (CMA-CGM Inland Services). My main mission was to manage and develop the activities of the Logistics Platform. I proposed complete logistic solutions with an adaptation to the specific needs of our customers, all along their Supply Chain. I am now Operations Manager at AMT S.A. Advanced Maritime Transports in Douala, Cameroon. I see every day the implementation of these 5 years of study. Participate in seminars, conferences, symposiums or congresses. Taking the time to participate in this type of professional event is really worth it, in order to create "real links", synergies. It boosts your relational network because the shipping world is a very small world.
Professional Degree in Maritime Transport Management and Law
Class of 2011-2012
Having a shiplanner father, my childhood was bathed in the maritime world. After studying for the ITIP and the professional degree in Management and Maritime Transport Law at the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille Institute, in partnership with the University of Aix-Marseille, I went on an internship in England. On my return I worked in warehouses and logistics, then as a chemical operator in a plant in Lavéra. In October 2014, I joined Eurofos as a dispatcher. Every day is different and teaches me a little more about my job. I like the human […]
Professional Degree in Maritime Transport Management and Law
Class of 2011-2012
Having a shiplanner father, my childhood was bathed in the maritime world. After studying for the ITIP and the professional degree in Management and Maritime Transport Law at the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille Institute, in partnership with the University of Aix-Marseille, I went on an internship in England. On my return I worked in warehouses and logistics, then as a chemical operator in a plant in Lavéra. In October 2014, I joined Eurofos as a dispatcher. Every day is different and teaches me a little more about my job. I like the human exchanges with the sailors from different countries, the dockers with whom I work "hand in hand". In the end, all the departments fit into each other. For me, it is always great to see these giants of the seas, we can have a real impact on the economy of our country. Always bigger and bigger... I have been a shiplanner at Eurofos since 2017.