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Call for ANR and DGRIS projects: "Center of Excellence" Labels 2024 Edition - Application deadline on the ANR website 03 12 2024 at 16:00 (CEST)

Online May 31, 2024

Call for ANR and DGRIS projects: "Center of Excellence" Labels 2024 Edition - Application deadline on the ANR website 03 12 2024 at 16:00 (CEST)

Information source: DRV e-mail to units dated 15 05 2024 at 4:51 pm

I Summary presentation of the system

(Information source: ANR website)

"Strategic research is the study of the balance of power in international relations and of all its constituent modalities. Its aim is to gain a better understanding of the different aspects of power competition, in the phases of preparation, conduct and resolution of armed conflicts, including in new areas of conflictuality. This is a multi-disciplinary academic field, with priority given to the human and social sciences, while integrating mixed approaches, depending on the subject.

The introduction of the "Center of Excellence" label is one of the PES actions deployed for the benefit of the university community. Based on criteria of interest to the Ministry of the Armed Forces, scientific excellence and innovation, this label aims to encourage the emergence and recognition of national centers of excellence on defense issues in the field of social sciences and humanities.

For this second edition of the label, the DGRIS is stepping up its action with increased financial support. A total of €5.79 million will be allocated to finance up to three "Centers of Excellence" over five years, i.e. €1.93 million per center awarded the label.

Applications must be based on an innovative research project that raises a unifying and structuring research question. Innovative projects are also encouraged in terms of their interdisciplinary dimension, research methodologies and the tools used to disseminate results to the scientific community, but also to civil society, and in particular to decision-makers.

II How to apply online on the ANR website

A Formalities

Comply with the provisions set out on the ANR website.

Link to ANR website

B Application deadline on the ANR website 03 12 2024 at 16:00 (CEST)

C Contact DRV AMU


III Pdf DRV AMU - AAP ANR presentation - DGRIS

Information source: DRV e-mail to units dated 15 05 2024 at 4:51 pm

Link to DRV pdf

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