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Call for projects 2023 "management of public space and strategies for evicting so-called "undesirable" populations" - Defender of Rights - deadline for application before midnight 01/06/2023

Online 06 04 2023 - deadline for application before 01 06 2023 midnight

Call for projects 2023 "management of public space and strategies for evicting so-called "undesirable" populations" - Human rights defender - deadline for applications before midnight on 01/06/2023

Sources of information: website of the defender of rights and email from the DRV of 31 03 2023 at 10:12 a.m. addressed to the units

1 General framework of the system (website of the Human Rights Defender)

The Human Rights Defender conducts and coordinates studies and research in order to enrich the public debate with rigorous analyses.

In 2023, the Human Rights Defender is launching a call for research projects on the management of public space and strategies for the eviction of so-called "undesirable" populations.

Through the referrals he receives, the Human Rights Defender has been able to observe violations of rights in the public space to which certain categories of users are exposed, and in particular the so-called "undesirable" populations.

In the last few years, the institution has been seized, for example, of situations concerning eviction procedures of occupants of land, squats or shanty towns outside the legal framework or compliance with the rules of accompaniment provided by law. The Defender of Rights has been called upon to deal with disproportionate use of force, destruction of property or eviction of certain categories of population that do not comply with the rules of ethics. Finally, it has been seized because of the use of orders that do not comply with legislative standards.

2 Objectives of the call for projects 2023 (Defender of Rights website)

The objective of this call for research projects is to analyze the formal and informal strategies and devices that have the purpose or effect of evicting "undesirable" populations from the public space.

The research projects will be able to document :

  • The different strategies and devices adopted by the actors in charge of the management of the public space towards "undesirable" populations;
  • The consequences of these strategies and measures on the populations concerned;
  • The roles of the different actors involved in the management of public space.

3 Conditions of eligibility (Defender of Rights website)

  • Meet the objectives of the theme and fall within the scope of this call for projects;
  • Meet the requirements regarding the duration and the maximum amount requested;
  • Be carried out by one or more teams of researchers, from the CNRS or universities and other research institutions, from legal disciplines, or from the human, social and political sciences (economics, geography, history, sociology, anthropology, etc.); the project may involve several research teams; the beneficiary teams must belong to these structures;
  • The project coordinator and the team leaders must not have any conflicts or ties of interest in the conduct of the project and must undertake to do so in the application file;
  • Provide the application form duly completed with all the information necessary for the overall assessment of the quality of the project and all the documents requested;
  • Guarantee the free dissemination of the results and knowledge produced.

4 Formalism of the application (Rights Defender website)

Comply with the provisions - including those of the text of the 2023 call for proposals and the administrative and financial information sheet - which can be consulted via the link to the website of the Human Rights Defender (tab "2023 call for research projects" at the bottom of the website of the Human Rights Defender), which appears below:

5 Deadline for applications (Rights Defender website): before 01/06/2023 midnight

6 Useful contact DRV of Campus Aix - AMU (according to the DRV email of 31 03 2023 at 10:12 am addressed to the units

Mrs. Marie KOROBEINIK (Project Manager)

Pdf of the DRV on AAP 2023 Defender of rights