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Conseil d'État - Conference (hybrid) The last mile of public policies: what expectations? 19 10 2022 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm - Paris (registration required).

Online 30 09 2022 - Conseil d'État - Conference (hybrid) The last mile of public policies: what expectations? on 19 10 2022 from 17h30 to 20h00 - Paris (registration required).

Sources of information: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Conseil d'État - Conference (hybrid) The last mile of public policies: what expectations? 19 10 2022 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm - Paris (registration required).

How to ensure that public policies reach their targets and meet the expectations of the French? This is the challenge of the "last mile" and the next annual study of the Conseil d'Etat.

Originating in the field of logistics, the notion of the "last mile" characterizes the last - and often most expensive - links in the distribution of goods and services to customers. Applied to public policy, it invites us to place the user and the final beneficiary of public policy (companies, associations, etc.) at the heart of the design and implementation of public policy.

However, there is often a gap between the announcements of reforms and public policies and the reality, or the perception, of the French people, whether it is a question of policies for access to healthcare, digital technology, schools, culture, or policies for mobility, security, access to solidarity and social protection for the most disadvantaged.

The "last mile" also marks a requirement: that of quality in the service provided by public authorities. It questions the way in which public actors put themselves in the shoes of users and beneficiaries in order to meet their expectations and identify them.

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