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Reproduction below of the DRV e-mail from Nicolas GOCHARIAN dated MON 19 07 2021 at 15:08 (week 29) intended for the units:

----- beginning of the reproduction of the above-mentioned email

Mail to the attention of all the thematic mailing lists and the thematic VPs

Hello to all,

The CIVIS3i project team is pleased to share with you the announcement of the first call.

Journal "Crime, History and Societies" - "Herman Diederiks Prize in the History of Crime and Criminal Justice 2021" - deadline for entries: before 31 October 2021

Presentation of the scheme

In honour of its founding president, the International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice (IAHCCJ) has instituted a prize to reward an original article in the widely understood field of the history of crime and criminal justice written by a researcher in the early stages of his/her career.

Margaux Dominati
Specificity of the course. Following a Master 1 "Private Law and Criminal Sciences", carried out within the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille University, I had the opportunity to join the Master 2 "Law of the execution of sentences" in September 2018, directed by Professor Muriel Giacopelli. Beyond the rarity of the proposed course, which has only two equivalents on a national scale, the main assets of the training lie, in my opinion, in the quality of the teaching provided. Firstly, through theoretical training, provided b […]
Margaux Dominati
Specificity of the course. Following a Master 1 "Private Law and Criminal Sciences", carried out within the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille University, I had the opportunity to join the Master 2 "Law of the execution of sentences" in September 2018, directed by Professor Muriel Giacopelli. Beyond the rarity of the proposed course, which has only two equivalents on a national scale, the main assets of the training lie, in my opinion, in the quality of the teaching provided. Firstly, through theoretical training, provided by several specialists in the field, which proves to be essential for understanding the prison and judicial environments responsible for the execution of sentences. Secondly, thanks to cross-disciplinary teaching, common to several courses of the Master 2 Criminal Law, the training is in line with the knowledge acquired during the university course. Finally, the "Law of the execution of sentences" course offers several practical courses, taught by a wide variety of practising professionals (lawyers, judges and prosecutors, prison staff, associations). This approach has a double interest. On the one hand, it demonstrates the reality of professional practice, on the eve of taking a competitive examination, and thus possibly reinforces this choice. On the other hand, it approaches the law of the execution of sentences from a humanistic point of view, in order to better understand the real stakes and the problems linked to the discipline. Criminology seminar. For most of the students who have benefited from this training, one of its major assets is the criminology seminar, given at the Aix-Luynes 2 prison, which reinforces both its specificity and its richness. Directly in contact with the detainees in a penitentiary centre, this seminar initially allows to deal with subjects related to crime. But it also allows the participants to learn more about the reality of prison life and to benefit from the testimonies of people placed under justice. Internship. The compulsory internship to be carried out after the university training has several advantages. Firstly, because entry into a prison is, depending on one's profile and professional ambitions, sometimes a unique opportunity. Then, more prosaically, it allows you to come into contact with the professionals in charge of the execution of sentences, and therefore to possibly build up a future network. Then, because of the reputation of the Master and the freedom of choice given to students concerning the profession and the geographical area of the internship, there is a multitude of organisations that are favourable to hosting interns.In my class, several students were able to join penitentiary establishments (including the penitentiary centres of Marseille-Les Baumettes, Luynes in Aix-en-Provence, and Baie-Mahault in Guadeloupe), jurisdictions (judicial court - enforcement of sentences or trial, public prosecutor's office, office for the execution of sentences, associations (headquarters of the International Observatory of Prisons in Lyon). Job opportunities. The training, although specialised, leads to several competitive examinations common to the Master 2 in Criminal Law. Thus, it is possible to take all the competitive examinations available at Bac+5, as is the case for the competitive examination for the National School of the Judiciary or the CRFPA. Moreover, because of its specificity, the "Law of the execution of sentences" course also provides the knowledge that is indispensable for taking the civil service exams (ENAP). For my part, the course enabled me to continue my studies for a doctorate, and to carry out research on the execution of sentences and the prison environment.
My two years at the Magistère enabled me to acquire excellent foundations in both journalism and communication. Today, this is an essential part of my job. Employers and clients alike like to see this "double hat": you have to be very versatile, understand the expectations and needs of journalists, but you also have to know how to write articles and communication materials, as well as being strategic, organized and able to handle pressure. The Magistère gave me a lot of knowledge on these last points as well. The courses and especially the time […]
My two years at the Magistère enabled me to acquire excellent foundations in both journalism and communication. Today, this is an essential part of my job. Employers and clients alike like to see this "double hat": you have to be very versatile, understand the expectations and needs of journalists, but you also have to know how to write articles and communication materials, as well as being strategic, organized and able to handle pressure. The Magistère gave me a lot of knowledge on these last points as well. The courses and especially the time spent in companies/editorial offices gave me a sense of responsibility and made me grow quickly. When I arrived on the job market after my internships, I felt ready and legitimate. I found a job right away. Today, I am a press officer specializing in gastronomy - Chefs & Restaurants / Co-founder of the podcast "Bande de Food".
I chose to join the Magistère Droit Journalisme et Communication in 2017 because this training was in line with my career path, once I had graduated from the ENS D1 preparation class. These three years have been very formative, thanks to the wide range of courses offered: law, journalism, economics, communication, marketing... But also with the "Synergy" missions specific to the Magistère which allow you to immerse yourself in the professional world once a week. This is a real added value for students who are thus confronted with the realities […]
I chose to join the Magistère Droit Journalisme et Communication in 2017 because this training was in line with my career path, once I had graduated from the ENS D1 preparation class. These three years have been very formative, thanks to the wide range of courses offered: law, journalism, economics, communication, marketing... But also with the "Synergy" missions specific to the Magistère which allow you to immerse yourself in the professional world once a week. This is a real added value for students who are thus confronted with the realities and constraints of the working world. These missions have taught me how to manage my stress, with public speaking and regular exchanges with professionals, senior civil servants... and event organisation. With other Magisterial students, I was able to organize conferences in the Faculty of Law, where I had to present the speakers. Today, as a Media Officer for the Havas advertising group, I am no longer intimidated by public speaking and everything I have learned is a real strength, especially during presentations to clients.
The Magistère enabled me to discover and learn the fundamentals of the journalistic profession, to discover communication, while deepening my knowledge of law, history and economics, thanks to the common courses with the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in law. These courses are very useful in terms of general culture and allow a better understanding of many subjects when you are a journalist. The whole thing forms a good balance between theory and practice. The Magistère of course gave me my first professional experience through internships and […]
The Magistère enabled me to discover and learn the fundamentals of the journalistic profession, to discover communication, while deepening my knowledge of law, history and economics, thanks to the common courses with the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in law. These courses are very useful in terms of general culture and allow a better understanding of many subjects when you are a journalist. The whole thing forms a good balance between theory and practice. The Magistère of course gave me my first professional experience through internships and Synergie missions, which quickly confirmed my desire to become a journalist, especially my first internship at the newspaper La Provence, which allowed me to practice the profession in the field. The number of internships and assignments allows us to have different experiences and therefore to realize what we like the most, in order to make the best choices later on. Today, after two years of work experience at France Télévisions, I have been a freelance journalist for the Franceinfo channel for a year and a half.
Clara Le Gal
I am a member of the M2 FPP class of 2019. This year has required a lot of personal work, but it has been very rewarding. I really enjoyed doing the research paper. After the M2, I was admitted to the school of notaries. This is a three-year sandwich course. The lessons given in M2 are very useful to me today, both in my studies and professionally in my internship, because they enabled me to acquire some tax reflexes.
I joined the Professional Master II Corporate Law and Taxation in September 2017 after a Master I Business Law. The teaching schedule is organized in the form of alternating between theory and practice every other week. The courses, taught by leading professors from Aix-Marseille University as well as high quality lecturers (notably lawyers), allow students to learn the knowledge necessary for the practice of taxation and to develop a critical mind of positive law. The integration within a law firm allows to approach the concrete exercise of […]
I joined the Professional Master II Corporate Law and Taxation in September 2017 after a Master I Business Law. The teaching schedule is organized in the form of alternating between theory and practice every other week. The courses, taught by leading professors from Aix-Marseille University as well as high quality lecturers (notably lawyers), allow students to learn the knowledge necessary for the practice of taxation and to develop a critical mind of positive law. The integration within a law firm allows to approach the concrete exercise of the profession, the follow-up of files over a large period and the acquisition of a great work force. On a personal note, the law firm that welcomed me nearly 4 years ago for my work-study is the one where I am a tax lawyer today and will soon be the one where I will work for the first time as a lawyer. In a few words: This is a quality training course both in its professional and human dimensions.
The three years of training at the Magistère have been the most formative of my course. The quality of the teaching, the availability of the teaching staff and the relationships that are created allow the students to grow. Thank you for these years.
The interdisciplinarity of the Magistère has been a real opportunity in my career development by allowing me to move towards corporate finance. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to enter a profession related to business life! The international orientation of the course allowed me to acquire a real agility and adaptability to evolve in a multicultural professional environment. The open-mindedness of the Magisterium also allowed me to understand very quickly the major challenges of the digital revolution.
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