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Observatoire national de la protection de l'enfance (ONPE) - Call for research projects in child protection 2024 - Application deadline 15 03 2024

Update 29 02 2024

Announcement Calenda 1113121

1 Summary of the scheme

As in previous years, the Observatoire national de la protection de l'enfance (ONPE) is offering a call for research projects open to research teams from all disciplines concerned with the phenomena of abuse and/or endangerment of minors, and the effects of the protection and education measures implemented. The aim of this open call for projects 2024 is to develop the study of emerging issues where their investigation may help to clarify the actions of technical and political players and managers working in the field of child protection, adoption and access to personal origins.

2 Application deadline 15 03 2024 (postal / digital submission)