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Presumptions and responsibilities - (on-site conference) - (September 22, 2023 - (Université Haute-Alsace) - registration required

Online 13 07 2023

(Calenda ad 1086127)

Traditionally, the liability of a private or public entity is based on three conditions: fault, injury to the victim and a causal link between the two. However, the rise of technological progress and the attention paid to the victims of bodily injury were gradually to call into question this basic principle. This context favored the emergence in jurisprudence of presumption of injury and presumption of fault. From this perspective, the victim is required to prove only one condition of liability, so that the other two are simply presumed in his or her favor. What justifies the use of these presumptions? Are these presumptions evolving by increasing their scope? Is this phenomenon specific to French law, or is it also found in other foreign legal systems? To answer these questions, the symposium will bring together academics and practitioners from several countries.