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Saving the world or saving ourselves? Penser les engagements préfiguratifs en contexte néolibéral - On-site colloquium June 20 and 21, 2024 - Université de Rouen - registration required

Online 04 06 2024

Announcement Calenda 1168772

Everywhere in the social and political news, we hear that we are "in crisis", be it economic, health or ecological. This situation is said to have lasted for several decades, making it impossible to envisage a better future: there are "no alternatives", they say. And yet, it is in this context of permanent crisis that social movements critical of neoliberalism and its logics of competition and performance are initiating a number of projects aimed at putting into practice, on a daily basis, what another society could be. This symposium considers these various initiatives as "prefigurative commitments" in that they seek to prefigure what an ideal society could be in the eyes of its initiators. We'll be looking at the complexity of implementing these commitments, the difficulties that activists encounter and how they overcome them (or don't). The research that will be discussed testifies to the importance that ecological and feminist issues take on in prefigurative commitments: we'll be talking about women's centers, animal sanctuaries, ecological and solidarity-based transformation and survivalism.