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Thinking about "good government" in the 21st century - Colloque sur site 03 et 04 octobre 2024 - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - registration required

Online 26 06 2024

Announcement Calenda 1172457

Intrinsically normative in nature, the idea of "good government" poses the question of what is "good" or "right" for the political community, based on a principial matrix and a grid for reading the world that are decisive for reflection. But there are many matrices and reading grids. The diversity of thoughts, aspirations and experiences undermines the idea of "good government". What may be a necessity for some is an obstacle for others. As an object of analysis, the idea of "good government" is one that lies at once in experiences and in narratives, the identification of which can be useful in deciphering what men do and what they want, what they are and what they are becoming. What are the proposed criteria for "good government", on what scale and for what purpose(s)? What should "good government" take into account, and what are its horizons? What form should it take, and by what means?