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The long life of printed ephemera - University of Geneva (Switzerland) - deadline (abstract) April 30, 2024

(Announcement Calenda 1141022)

From May 8 to 9, 2025, the second international congress "The long life of printed ephemera" will be held in Geneva. Geneva, an important city for the history of European printing, is also home to several collections of French and English leaflets, Spanish pliegos de cordel and Brazilian printed matter. The aim of this conference is to raise awareness of the richness of these collections, to take stock of current research in Western Europe, and to approach this production from a transnational angle with a broad chronological spectrum.

The long life of printed ephemera - University of Geneva (Switzerland) - deadline (abstract) April 30, 2024

(Announcement Calenda 1141022)

From May 8 to 9, 2025, the second international congress "The long life of printed ephemera" will be held in Geneva. Geneva, an important city for the history of European printing, is also home to several collections of French and English leaflets, Spanish pliegos de cordel and Brazilian printed matter. The aim of this conference is to raise awareness of the richness of these collections, to take stock of current research in Western Europe, and to approach this production from a transnational angle with a broad chronological spectrum.

Epidemics and communicable diseases. Des fléaux à travers l'Histoire - ISET (Tunisia) - deadline (proposal) 30 06 2024

(Calenda announcement 1142675)

The covid 19 pandemic that, since 2019, has spread from China to the entire planet, draws attention to a phenomenon that has recurred throughout the centuries, that of epidemics and communicable diseases. First, it's important to define the terms of the subject. An endemic is a disease that is permanently rife in a given region, such as malaria. An epidemic occurs when a contagious disease strikes a large number of people at a given time. A pandemic occurs when a disease rapidly affects a large part of the planet.

Epidemics and communicable diseases. Des fléaux à travers l'Histoire - ISET (Tunisia) - deadline (proposal) 30 06 2024

(Calenda announcement 1142675)

The covid 19 pandemic that, since 2019, has spread from China to the entire planet, draws attention to a phenomenon that has recurred throughout the centuries, that of epidemics and communicable diseases. First, it's important to define the terms of the subject. An endemic is a disease that is permanently rife in a given region, such as malaria. An epidemic occurs when a contagious disease strikes a large number of people at a given time. A pandemic occurs when a disease rapidly affects a large part of the planet.

Epidemics and communicable diseases. Des fléaux à travers l'Histoire - ISET (Tunisia) - deadline (proposal) 30 06 2024

(Calenda announcement 1142675)

The covid 19 pandemic that, since 2019, has spread from China to the entire planet, draws attention to a phenomenon that has recurred throughout the centuries, that of epidemics and communicable diseases. First, it's important to define the terms of the subject. An endemic is a disease that is permanently rife in a given region, such as malaria. An epidemic occurs when a contagious disease strikes a large number of people at a given time. A pandemic occurs when a disease rapidly affects a large part of the planet.

Epidemics and communicable diseases. Des fléaux à travers l'Histoire - ISET (Tunisia) - deadline (proposal) 30 06 2024

(Calenda announcement 1142675)

The covid 19 pandemic that, since 2019, has spread from China to the entire planet, draws attention to a phenomenon that has recurred throughout the centuries, that of epidemics and communicable diseases. First, it's important to define the terms of the subject. An endemic is a disease that is permanently rife in a given region, such as malaria. An epidemic occurs when a contagious disease strikes a large number of people at a given time. A pandemic occurs when a disease rapidly affects a large part of the planet.

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