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  • Initial training - Continuing education
  • 1 year
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    The aim of the course is to enable students to acquire theoretical competence in the law of the execution of sentences. The law of the execution of sentences must be considered as a discipline in its own right, which has gained its autonomy within the field of criminal law. The importance of the law of the execution of sentences is attested by the integration of the law of the execution of sentences within the proofs of the various competitions and examinations under the jurisdiction of the judiciary.

    The law of the execution of sentences has become an important part of the judicial system.

    It also aims to enable the various actors in the field of criminal law (JAPs, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, etc.) to give practical lessons in the enforcement of sentences;cution des peines (JAP, procureur de la République, SPIP, chef détablissement pénitentiaire...) to give a prison culture to the students.


    General criminal law and criminal procedure


    Law of criminal sanction

    Fundamental rights


    • FDSP, Aix-en-Provence

    The students of the course benefit from research training with methodological lessons preparing them for the writing of the internship report. As for the training aspect, it consists in the organization of workshops led by professionals (jurisprudence workshop, drafting of petitions, re-enactment of a CHAP hearing). In addition, the students take part in a criminology seminar organized in a prison environment (Baumettes) with the public of selected prisoners.

    Research entity: Laboratory of Private Law and Criminal Sciences (LDPSC, EA 4690)

    Other supporting entity: Institute of Penal Sciences and Criminology (ISPEC)


    Mastery of prison regulations and acquisition of prison culture in order to develop know-how and interpersonal skills
    Mastery of written and oral communication techniques
    Legal watch
    Ability to synthesize data in order to facilitate operational decision-making
    Autonomy in personal work as well as ability to establish interpersonal relationships in teamwork


    Students follow a two-month internship. This one is of great importance allowing the students to apply the teachings given. It takes place over two consecutive months at the end of the teaching period. It is the subject of a graded internship report that counts for the final exam.


    The general teaching (in the form of courses and seminars) is complemented by special teaching methods such as reverse pedagogy through exercises to put the students in a situation (re-enactment of a hearing in the law of enforcement of sentences).



    • 128G Droit fiscal ; Droit des affaires ; Droit pénal ; Droit de l'environnement ; Droit de la santé ; Droit de la sécurité et de la défense ; Droit du transport etc (fr)

    Information non disponible

Head of the course


Master 2 Law of the execution of sentences
Margaux Dominati
Specificity of the course. Following a Master 1 "Private Law and Criminal Sciences", carried out within the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille University, I had the opportunity to join the Master 2 "Law of the execution of sentences" in September 2018, directed by Professor Muriel Giacopelli. Beyond the rarity of the proposed course, which has only two equivalents on a national scale, the main assets of the training lie, in my opinion, in the quality of the teaching provided. Firstly, through theoretical training, provided b […]
Master 2 Law of the execution of sentences
Margaux Dominati
Specificity of the course. Following a Master 1 "Private Law and Criminal Sciences", carried out within the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille University, I had the opportunity to join the Master 2 "Law of the execution of sentences" in September 2018, directed by Professor Muriel Giacopelli. Beyond the rarity of the proposed course, which has only two equivalents on a national scale, the main assets of the training lie, in my opinion, in the quality of the teaching provided. Firstly, through theoretical training, provided by several specialists in the field, which proves to be essential for understanding the prison and judicial environments responsible for the execution of sentences. Secondly, thanks to cross-disciplinary teaching, common to several courses of the Master 2 Criminal Law, the training is in line with the knowledge acquired during the university course. Finally, the "Law of the execution of sentences" course offers several practical courses, taught by a wide variety of practising professionals (lawyers, judges and prosecutors, prison staff, associations). This approach has a double interest. On the one hand, it demonstrates the reality of professional practice, on the eve of taking a competitive examination, and thus possibly reinforces this choice. On the other hand, it approaches the law of the execution of sentences from a humanistic point of view, in order to better understand the real stakes and the problems linked to the discipline. Criminology seminar. For most of the students who have benefited from this training, one of its major assets is the criminology seminar, given at the Aix-Luynes 2 prison, which reinforces both its specificity and its richness. Directly in contact with the detainees in a penitentiary centre, this seminar initially allows to deal with subjects related to crime. But it also allows the participants to learn more about the reality of prison life and to benefit from the testimonies of people placed under justice. Internship. The compulsory internship to be carried out after the university training has several advantages. Firstly, because entry into a prison is, depending on one's profile and professional ambitions, sometimes a unique opportunity. Then, more prosaically, it allows you to come into contact with the professionals in charge of the execution of sentences, and therefore to possibly build up a future network. Then, because of the reputation of the Master and the freedom of choice given to students concerning the profession and the geographical area of the internship, there is a multitude of organisations that are favourable to hosting interns.In my class, several students were able to join penitentiary establishments (including the penitentiary centres of Marseille-Les Baumettes, Luynes in Aix-en-Provence, and Baie-Mahault in Guadeloupe), jurisdictions (judicial court - enforcement of sentences or trial, public prosecutor's office, office for the execution of sentences, associations (headquarters of the International Observatory of Prisons in Lyon). Job opportunities. The training, although specialised, leads to several competitive examinations common to the Master 2 in Criminal Law. Thus, it is possible to take all the competitive examinations available at Bac+5, as is the case for the competitive examination for the National School of the Judiciary or the CRFPA. Moreover, because of its specificity, the "Law of the execution of sentences" course also provides the knowledge that is indispensable for taking the civil service exams (ENAP). For my part, the course enabled me to continue my studies for a doctorate, and to carry out research on the execution of sentences and the prison environment.
Master 2 Law of the execution of sentences
Morgane Sanchez
It is with great pride that I joined the Master 2 Law of the Execution of Sentences at the beginning of the 2019 academic year. We are received by Mrs GIACOPELLI who assures us that we will have to work hard but that we will come out of it full of assets to face the professional world and the civil service exams. We all look at each other, each one hoping to succeed in what he wanted: DSP, DPIP, CPIP, magistrate... Our year begins strongly, we meet a great man in the defence of human rights and the control of places of detention. And it is […]
Master 2 Law of the execution of sentences
Morgane Sanchez
It is with great pride that I joined the Master 2 Law of the Execution of Sentences at the beginning of the 2019 academic year. We are received by Mrs GIACOPELLI who assures us that we will have to work hard but that we will come out of it full of assets to face the professional world and the civil service exams. We all look at each other, each one hoping to succeed in what he wanted: DSP, DPIP, CPIP, magistrate... Our year begins strongly, we meet a great man in the defence of human rights and the control of places of detention. And it is without a doubt that we will bear his name: we will be called the DELARUE Class. We followed theoretical courses, colloquiums, simulated public hearings, and interactions with professionals: public prosecutors, enforcement judges, prison clerks, directors of prison services, etc. It was my best academic year, both in terms of theory and pre-professional work and the results I obtained that year. This master's degree allowed me to perfect my criminal law, and more precisely the law of the application of sentences; secondly, to enrich my knowledge of practice thanks to the interventions of numerous professionals, and thirdly, it allowed me to be in total immersion for two months in a penitentiary establishment. Also, for those who are more passionate about the law of the execution of sentences, this M2 offered us the possibility to participate in a criminology seminar at the Luynes prison. This experience was rich, formative and full of meaning. Students aspire to concrete things and this professional M2 offers concrete things, practical things. But it is also concrete that it has enabled those who have completed it to integrate the Integrated Preparatory Class of the ENAP, to become Director of Penitentiary Services, Lawyer, Police Commissioner... Today, I am a Penitentiary Insertion and Probation Counsellor. And everything I have learned during this year of M2 is useful to me every day, so THANK YOU. I wish all the future students to spend a year as rich as mine. Have a good school year!