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  • Initial training - Continuing education
  • 1 year
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    The course is aimed at students who wish to complement their studies with a reflection on the methods of law, a critique of legal discourse and to acquire an acute awareness of the social or moral issues involved in legal matters. The first vocation of legal studies is to aim at the intellectual and human progress of students and to contribute to their future success in a wide variety of fields.

    At the end of his training, the student has acquired a legal culture which gives him an additional ease and mastery in legal analysis. He/she can better distinguish the figures of argumentation in law, compare legal cultures, decipher legal discourses and use the instruments and concepts that allow the qualification of the legal phenomenon.

    The student has acquired a legal culture that gives him/her greater ease and mastery in legal analysis.


    Access to this pathway will only be beneficial to candidates who are able to demonstrate their interest and motivation for the theory and philosophy of law and whose academic background allows them to verify their ability to master their knowledge, at least in the areas in which they have chosen to invest and to study;They should be able to demonstrate their ability to master their knowledge, at least in the subjects in which they have chosen to invest and, if possible, in courses that are relevant to their training in legal theory.


    It is recommended that students choose from the courses that are open in Master 1 the courses that will prepare them for entry into the Legal Thesis course, i.e., mainly, History of Legal Thought, Legal Argumentation and Reasoning, Constitutional Justice.


    • FDSP, Aix-en-Provence

    The training has a strong link with research and involves students in the life of the host research unit, its colloquia and research seminars, guest lectures and research programmes;The students will be involved in the life of the host research unit, in its colloquia and research seminars, in the lectures of visiting professors and in the research programmes carried out there. Students have access to the library of the Laboratoire de théorie du droit and can work in contact with doctoral students.

    The Laboratoire de théorie du droit

    Laboratoire de théorie du droit, EA 892


    Mastery of civil litigation, in its internal, European and international dimensions, and of its legislative and jurisprudential developments,
    Beyond the pursuit of an in-depth training in the major disciplines of law, the aim is to enable students, in close contact with the research being carried out and in close contact with the life of a research unit, to master the methods of legal research, and more specifically to enable the student :

    master the in-depth and critical reading of doctrinal texts
    to acquire autonomy in personal research work while understanding the collective dimension of research and learning, through a knowledge of how to behave and the learning of deontology, how to fit into it
    to master the techniques of oral and written communication


    A four-month internship with a report on the research done during or on the occasion of the internship can be chosen. A tutored project, built within the framework of a UE, allows, in particular around invited professors, to follow and test the new concepts and empirical research fields which emerge in the globalization of law.


    The course is organised around six course units, including one unit for a tutorial project and another dedicated to applied methodology. The course emphasizes extensive personal reading, the writing of a research paper and the learning of methods.



    • 127D Epistémologie des sciences humaines ; Philosophie du droit (fr)
    • 128G Droit fiscal ; Droit des affaires ; Droit pénal ; Droit de l'environnement ; Droit de la santé ; Droit de la sécurité et de la défense ; Droit du transport etc (fr)

    The natural destinations for a Masters in Law are a career as a lawyer, a career in the judiciary or a competitive entrance examination to the civil service. The legal theory programme does not follow this rule and its alumni mainly include lawyers, magistrates and people holding positions of responsibility in the civil service. In addition, several former students of the master's programme are now lecturers or university professors. Because of the diversity of the public, the master 2 also counts among its former students certified professors of philosophy, certified professors of economics and management, local elected officials, administrators, company lawyers or in the administration and even entrepreneurs.


Responsible for the course