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  • Initial training - Continuing education - Work-linked training
  • 2 years
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    The training offer of the Private Law mention has the double objective of allowing students to deepen their knowledge in Private Law; then, within the framework of the type-paths, to specialise with a view to a precise professional project.

    Graduates will have good research skills and a high level of knowledge, which they will be able to apply immediately.

    At the 1st year stage, students acquire the essential skills of private law.

    At the stage of the 2nd year, the courses aim to train high-level lawyers in order to acquire the skills necessary for access to the professions of lawyer, bailiff, legal researcher.


    All students with a law degree.



    This course is open from the 1st year Master's degree.

    Access is conditional on the submission of an application.


    In the first year, 78% of the courses are compulsory and 22% optional. Among the compulsory lessons, 9% integrate transversal skills. The requirement of the common base in the first year is reflected in the fact that many compulsory subjects are considered as fundamental in the mention.

    The first year of the course is a year in which the students have to follow a number of compulsory subjects.

    As regards the typical courses, these give rise to fundamental teachings, a certain number of which give rise to mutualisations.


    Students in this program will acquire a solid foundation of scientific knowledge specific to the field of Private Law.

    Family property law
    Special personal law: law of vulnerable persons, criminal law of minors, nationality law, status of foreigners
    In-depth private judicial law: civil enforcement procedures, alternative dispute resolution methods
    Private international law: general theory of conflict of laws, conflict of jurisdictions, international arbitration, European judicial area (civil and criminal)
    Legal argumentation and legal reasoning.

    More specific courses are offered in order to allow for an orientation towards the different courses in the field, courses in business law, criminal law and insurance law. In addition to the positive law courses, there are courses on history.


    The competencies to be acquired within the mention are the following:

    The student must be able to :

    master the sources of law, i.e., know how to research them, analyze the information and prepare a synthesis;
    formulate elements of controversy, bring a critical eye to propose changes in the law;
    mastering written communication techniques, in particular with the use of different digital media (Word, Excel, Power Point) but also orally;
    to become independent in their work and to use their abstraction and initiative to solve new problems that arise.

    Emphasis is therefore placed on the practice of legal reasoning. Therefore, in the practical sessions, the students are systematically put in a situation thanks to the technical exercises required: study and resolution of practical cases, drafting of legal opinions, dissertation, analysis of judicial decisions, elaboration of summaries. Ultimately, the aim is to acquire a perfect mastery of legal and extra-legal information sources and their use for critical analysis. This mastery presupposes the students' ability to do research.

    The different courses allow the acquisition of specific skills related to the targeted professional outlets.


    Students have the possibility to do an internship from the Master 1. A longer internship (2 months) is also required in the standard course « Litigation and civil enforcement proceedings » while the three other courses offer it as an alternative to the dissertation (lasting 2 or 3 months).


    The professional insertion and orientation service will deliver in the first semester the necessary teachings for a better professional insertion, giving the students the keys for the writing of a CV, a cover letter and the keys of the interview techniques.


    In some of the pathways, foreign professors intervene in English.

    The course type « Droit civil et international privé », will continue the partnership developed with the French University College of Saint Petersburg. It consists in welcoming Russian students who, if they validate the Master's degree, obtain a Master 1 equivalence.

    The Master's degree course will be offered to all Russian students.

    The Master's programme includes an international programme through a partnership with the University of Ottawa (Canada) which is based on a double Master's/LLM degree. The exchange of students is bilateral.

Head of the mention

The routes

Champ 1

Theory of law

(double attachment to the Public Law field)
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Champ 1

Liability and compensation litigation

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Champ 1

Civil law and private international law

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Champ 1

Litigation and civil enforcement procedures

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