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  • Initial training - Continuing education - Work-linked training
  • 2 years
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    The real estate law major has a cross-disciplinary teaching vocation both at the M1 stage and in the M2 courses.

    Breaking down the traditional public law/private law divide, the major aims to train highly competent lawyers who are immediately operational in the various fields of real estate law. Graduates will have good research skills and a high level of knowledge, which they will be able to apply immediately.

    At the 1st year stage, students acquire the essential skills of real estate law. The aim is to provide them with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that will enable them to continue their studies in one of the M2 courses, as well as to enter the job market directly.

    At the end of the course, the students will be able to acquire the skills and knowledge they need for their future careers.

    At the 2nd year stage, the courses aim to train high-level lawyers in the various branches of real estate law with in-depth teaching and practical situations.


    The following are targeted, without being exhaustive, students with a law degree, real estate professionals returning to school or in continuing education (subject to admission by the educational commission), lawyers and notaries wishing to study law;The course is open to students with a law degree, real estate professionals returning to their studies or continuing education (subject to admission by the educational commission), lawyers and notaries wishing to specialise in real estate matters.


    This course is open from the 1st year Master's degree.

    Access is conditional on the submission of an application.


    The REAL ESTATE LAW major comprises a complete common core (360 h CM and 72 h TD) of Master 1ère year and 2 Master 2ème year courses.

    The common core of M1 includes 6 specific subjects. All the other subjects offered are shared with other majors.

    All the subjects offered are shared with other majors. The M1 also includes cross-disciplinary courses in language and methodology.

    The M1 gives the student the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects.

    The M1 gives indifferent access to each of the courses.

    Various courses are also mutualised between the M2 courses.

    The M1 gives access to each of the courses indifferently.


    Students in the Real Estate Law major will acquire a solid foundation of scientific knowledge specific to real estate, which is essential to the exercise of a professional activity of a legal and/or judicial nature in the real estate field. This essential scientific knowledge can be found in :

    property law ;
    special contract law - lease contract, business contract, sales contract, agency contract, private and public works contracts, public works contract, concession, occupation agreement, etc;
    real estate development law and construction law;
    Builders' liability and construction insurance law;
    urban planning and development law
    environmental and sustainable development law...).

    Translated with (free version)


    Competences acquired

    At the M1  stage:

    • document analysis ;
    • legal qualification of complex factual situations ;
    • Case processing and file review.

    In the DIPP  course:

    - analysis, drafting and preparation of legal and/or judicial files and documents,

    - use of reports

    - use of expert reports,

    - drafting of argumentative notes,

    - preparation of legal and/or judicial files and documents,

    - use of expert reports,

    - drafting of legal reports,

    - drafting of argumentative notes

    - preparation of operational files for both standard and complex real estate transactions,

    - assistance with projects, including the preparation of the project management plan,

    - assistance with the preparation of the project management plan,

    - assistance with the preparation of the project management plan,

    - assistance with the preparation of the project management plan

    - project support, legal feasibility assessment of real estate transactions,

    - project management, legal advice and assistance

    - rédaction of...

    In the DMUD  pathway:

    - analysis of urban issues and decision-making frameworks in urban planning and development.

    - analysis of urban issues and decision-making frameworks in urban planning and development.

    - analysis of urban issues and decision-making frameworks

    - design and implementation of urban projects,

    - choice and use of urban planning and development tools,

    - design and implementation of urban projects

    - choice and use of legal tools for the implementation of the strategic orientations of local authorities.

    - legal supervision of urban planning and development decisions;

    - follow-up, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the strategy

    - monitoring, evaluation and optimisation of urban planning documents and decisions.


    M1 students have the option of doing an internship in a company and of carrying out tutored projects.

    M2 students have the obligation (except for specific hypotheses) to do an internship in a company.

    M2 students are obliged (except in the case of specific hypotheses) to do an internship for professional integration.

    The students of the M2 DIPP can follow the Master in apprenticeship.


    Information non disponible

    The real estate law major is attempting a rapprochement with bodies or institutions in the Mediterranean basin (in project).

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The routes

Champ 1

Law and sustainable urban planning professions

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Champ 1

Private and public real estate law

(double attachment to the Public Law field)
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