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Which commons to share knowledge? - Institut d'études avancées de Paris - Conference on site 19 06 2023 from 18h00 to 19h45 - Paris (registration required)

Online 12 05 2023 -

Which commons to share knowledge? - Institut d'études avancées de Paris - Conference on site 19 06 2023 from 6:00 pm to 7:45 pm - Paris (registration required)

Information sources (IEA Paris website)

Events calendar" section, then "all events" tab, then "upcoming events" section

Presentation of the event

Fourth session of the "Common good(s), paths of hope in the face of the century's challenges"organized under the direction of Bettina Laville, President of the IEA. This cycle of five meetings proposes to revisit the notion of the commons, in light of the history of the concept and its current variations in the intellectual, economic, and institutional spheres.

Presentation of the session

We are in an era of openness. That of data, which feeds, or should feed, scientific progress. That of free software and creative commons licenses. At the same time, the rules of intellectual property remain and become more complex, while science is contested, and fake news, conveyed by digital tools, compete with knowledge. Science is still - for how long? - the domain where the common good is the most recognized, used and claimed. What rules should be given to knowledge sharing? Should we give it some? How can we distinguish, as the latest European regulation does, between open data and protected data? What social significance does this sharing of knowledge have?

With the participation ofEmmanuel Bacry, Director of Research at the CNRS at the University of Paris-Dauphine, Scientific Director of the Health Data Hub, Magali Reghezza-Zitt, geographer, lecturer at the École Normale Supérieure and member of the High Council for the Climate, and Nicolas Berthelot, head of the Geo-Commons Factory at the IGN, and other speakers to come