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Conseil d'État - Hybrid conference "Urban planning policy, right to build and administrative judge" (29 11 2022 from 09:00 to 17:00 - Paris (registration required until 25 11 2022) replay after 29 11 2022

Online 18 11 2022 - Council of State - Hybrid conference "Urban planning policy, right to build and administrative judge" (29 11 2022 from 09:00 to 17:00 - Paris (registration required until 25 11 2022) replay after 29 11 2022

Information source: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Defined as the law that "governs the use that is made of the land" (art. L. 101-3 of the urban planning code), urban planning law must respond to the very varied objectives assigned to it by the legislator, which range from urban development to environmental protection and the fight against climate change (art. L. 101-2). This reconciliation is all the more delicate because public policies in this area are based on national and local normative sources and involve interests that are often divergent between petitioners, local residents and associations. To respond to these difficulties, urban planning law has developed original and innovative mechanisms for combating abusive appeals and for adapting the office of the administrative judge, which sometimes make it a "laboratory" for general administrative litigation. The 2022 edition of the Entretiens du contentieux du Conseil d'État will be an opportunity to revisit these different questions and the legal, political and economic issues they raise, through four round tables examining recent case law.