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Dualisations des services publics : transformations de l'emploi, des pratiques et des représentations professionnelles- Revue " Travail et Emploi "- deadline (proposal) 04 10 2024

Online 27 06 2024

(Announcement Calenda 1170243)

The aim of this dossier is to document the impact of the dualisation of public services, on the transformation of jobs in public services, on the organization of work in the various services, and hence on the professional practices of agents as well as the representations they have of their work and their missions. This issue aims to bring together multi-disciplinary contributions in the field covered by the journal Travail et Emploi (sociology, economics, law, management, history, political science), with the ambition of aggregating an unpublished corpus of empirical investigations (both qualitative and quantitative) in a variety of fields within public organizations. Transnational perspectives will be emphasized.