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Enquêter par la bande dessinée - Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas - deadline (proposal) before 26 08 2024

Online 11 07 2024

(Calenda ad 1168525)

Since the 1990s, comics have undergone a remarkable revival and diversification. Within a vast and diversified production, reportage comics represent a particularly dynamic segment, which has contributed to renewing the form and format of investigative reporting on a wide range of subjects: political, environmental, health and geopolitical. The medium of comics seems particularly well-suited to the deployment of long-term investigative work. While a number of academic studies have examined the relationship between comics and journalism, the majority of approaches have come from literary studies, aesthetics and semiology. There are fewer works that situate the phenomenon within the analysis of transformations in the cultural and media industries: who are the main media and editorial players in the field of reportage comics? How are collaborations and synergies established between the two sectors? How are pairings organized between reporters, cartoonists and distribution media? How does content circulate and adapt between book, digital and audiovisual media?