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Fortunes and misfortunes of the cultural stereotype - XXth-XXIst centuries - Université Paris-Est Créteil - deadline (proposal) 07 10 2024

Online 18 03 2024

(Calenda ad 1143020)

If the stereotype categorizes and simplifies the other culture, the other people, the other nation, the other religion, the other language, isn't it symptomatic of ethnocentrism? It would open the door to xenophobia and racism. But how can we explain the presence of positive, even rewarding stereotypes? If so, wouldn't it be a sign of friendship, respect, fraternity and admiration? Of course, these stereotypes are not without their faults either. The aim of this study day is to create a collective reflection on cultural stereotypes from an interdisciplinary perspective. The aim is to examine the circulation and use of stereotypes in different disciplines and linguistic and cultural areas. This call for papers is aimed primarily at young researchers (PhD students, post-docs, Masters students).