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Lexbase - call for applications for the publication of research work (theses) - application deadline 30 08 2024 (for the current campaign)

Online since 16 07 2024 - updated on 17 07 2024

Lexbase - call for applications for the publication of research works (theses) - application deadline 30 08 2024 (for the current campaign)

Éditions juridiques Lexbase is pleased to announce that the new call for applications for the publication of research works in the theses library on is open!

The theses submitted will be examined by a Scientific Advisory Board made up of Professors from several French Universities.

We accept all theses, regardless of seniority.

The deadline for applications is August 30, 2024.

Pdf Lexbase application (to send application to Lexbase)

Pdf Lexabase application form