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LEXBASE - Thesis prize 2023 - deadline for applications 04 08 2023

Online 07 07 2023

LEXBASE - Prix de thèse 2023 - deadline for applications 04 08 2023

1 Framework

Éditions juridiques Lexbase is launching a thesis library ! Theses will be published in an innovative digital format, featuring our best features. This library will be available by the end of the year on the website.

With this in mind, we are launching our first call for applications to all doctoral schools and research centers in France.

Theses submitted as part of this campaign will be examined by a Scientific Council made up of Professors from all French universities.

For this year's campaign, we are inviting applications for theses in the following fields:

- Public law: 15 theses

- Business law: 20 theses

- Civil law: 35 theses

- Civil procedure: 10 theses

- International law: 5 theses

- Tax law: 10 theses

Criminal law and procedure: 5 theses

Date of thesis defense: no later than 01 06 2023

The deadline for applications is August 4, 2023.

The theses selected after examination by the Board will be published by the end of the year. They will be indexed in our search engine, making them accessible to over 37,000 unique users.

2 Useful contact - Lexbase

June Perot | Editorial Director

Legaltech at the service of legal publishing

01 44 79 93 01 | 01 44 79 93 17

7 avenue Ingres - 75016 Paris

3 conditions for submission of applications

Conditions for submission of LEXBASE applications