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The Mediterranean under the test of environmental history (16th- 21st centuries) - Université Côte d'Azur - deadline (proposal) before 30 09 2024

Online 01 07 2024

(Announcement Calenda 1175338)

In June 2025, France will host the third United Nations Ocean Conference in Nice, with some 120 heads of state and government, but above all hundreds of specialists and institutional and non-institutional players. This time of debate and sharing on the future of the oceans is an opportunity for the historical discipline to take up these issues. The focus of this international symposium is the Mediterranean - not just the sea, but the Mediterranean world as a whole. Mediterranean studies have been intrinsically linked with the "environment" since the pioneering work of Fernand Braudel. Today, environmental history no longer questions the Braudelian milieu alone, but the whole range of human and non-human interactions with the environment. The aim of this symposium is to take a fresh look at the Mediterranean through the lens of environmental history.