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Conseil d'État - Conference on Georges Cahen Salvador 06 05 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - on site, live broadcast and rebroadcast - registration required

Conseil d'État - Conference on Georges Cahen Salvador 06 05 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - on site, live broadcast and rebroadcast - registration required

Information source: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Conseil d'État - Sovereignty and the challenges of globalization 24 04 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - on site, live broadcast and rebroadcast - registration required

Conseil d'État - Sovereignty and the challenges of globalization 24 04 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Paris) - on site, live broadcast and rebroadcast - registration required

Information source: "colloques et conférences" section of the Conseil d'État website.

Sociologie du travail" magazine - Young authors' prize - deadline for applications 30 09 2024

(Listing Calenda 1145929)

1 Framework (summary)

The journal Sociologie du travail awards an annual Prix des jeunes auteur(ice)s. This call for submissions is open to young researchers or students who are enrolled in a thesis or who have defended their thesis no more than two years before the deadline for submissions, and whose work falls within the scope of the journal.

De Serval à Barkhane - Colloque international (sur site) April 25 and 26, 2024 - Institut pour la paix -Paris - registration required

(Announcement Calenda 1152194)

This international, multidisciplinary colloquium aims firstly to analyze the ins and outs of the Serval and then Barkhane operations in five French-speaking countries in the western Sahel region. Secondly, despite the existence of a handful of parliamentary reports, it questions the absence of any critical assessment by the authorities of an intervention that was nevertheless presented as France's most important overseas military operation since the Algerian war.

Mental health of learners in French Red Cross training institutes (research grant) - Fondation Croix-Rouge française - application deadline (extension) 09 06 2024 (midnight)

1 Presentation of the scheme (summary)

Regulations for this call for proposals can be consulted via the link to the French Red Cross Foundation website at the end of this announcement.

2 Application deadline (extension): 09 06 2024 (midnight)

Mental health of learners in French Red Cross training institutes (research grant) - Fondation Croix-Rouge française - application deadline (extension) 09 06 2024 (midnight)

1 Presentation of the scheme (summary)

Regulations for this call for proposals can be consulted via the link to the French Red Cross Foundation website at the end of this announcement.

2 Application deadline (extension): 09 06 2024 (midnight)

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