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Job offer in sociology - Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle (Terre & Sciences), Rouen Campus - application deadline 31 08 2023

(Announcement Calenda 1071805)

1 Presentation of the project (summary)

The Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle (Terre & Sciences), Rouen Campus is looking for a teacher for the period September-December 2023 to teach urban sociology in English, as part of the MSc Urban Agriculture and Green Cities.

ATER position in sociology - université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour - application deadline 19 07 2023 (16h00)

(Announcement Calenda 1085484)

1 Presentation of the position (summary)

The University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour is recruiting an ATER in sociology from October 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024. He/she will teach courses in methodology (quali/quanti), sociology of the body, history of sociology, preparation for university work, current events in sociology. As far as possible, his or her research will be in line with the research priorities of the Transitions énergétiques et environnementales (TREE) laboratory.

AAP - ADEME - PACT²e - Territorial transition planning and development in the face of climate change - application deadline (extension) 12:00 on 15 09 2023 (on the ADEME website)

AAP - ADEME - PACT²e - Territorial transition planning and development in the face of climate change - application deadline (extension) 12:00 on 15 09 2023 (on the ADEME website)

Information source: e-mail dated 22 05 2023 at 09:17 from DRV to the units.

I Framework

The 2ᵉ edition of the PACT²e Call for Research Projects (APR) questions territorial planning and development in a context of climate change.

LEXBASE - Thesis prize 2023 - deadline for applications 04 08 2023

LEXBASE - Prix de thèse 2023 - deadline for applications 04 08 2023

1 Framework

Éditions juridiques Lexbase is launching a thesis library ! Theses will be published in an innovative digital format, featuring our best features. This library will be available by the end of the year on the website.

With this in mind, we are launching our first call for applications to all doctoral schools and research centers in France.

Fifth Autumn School of the Institute of Longevity, Ageing and Aging (ILVV) - (on site) - (November 22-24, 2023 - (Grenoble) - registration deadline 10 09 2023

(Calenda announcement 1083264)

This scientific event is aimed at doctoral students and early-career researchers (who have defended their thesis less than five years ago) in the humanities and social sciences working in the field of longevity, old age and aging in a French research laboratory.

Call for projects "Reconfigurations territoriales et recherche: du local à l'international" - Joint projects Campus Condorcet - MSH Paris Nord - application deadline (at MSH Paris Nord) 15 09 2023

(Announcement Calenda 1081184)

1 General framework

Our two institutions are located on former industrial wastelands, in a rapidly changing area marked by strong social and spatial inequalities. With this call for proposals, we aim to encourage research on this area, which straddles several borders, in order to increase our knowledge of the strong inequalities that exist there, and to understand the dynamics, transformations and issues at stake.

2 Application form

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