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From "private home" to "workplace": construction of social law in the professional branch of the sector of private employers and home-based employment -Observatory of home-based employment-FEPEM- application deadline before 30 01 2023

Online 30 11 2022 - deadline for application before 30 01 2023

(Calenda ad 1035129)

Within the Federation of Individual Employers of France (FEPEM), the Home Employment Observatory has been producing, since 2008, studies, research and statistics on a national and regional scale, in order to better understand the sector of individual employers and home employment. This work focuses mainly on the use of home-based employment, the analysis of families' expectations in the home and the evolution of job and skill needs in the individual employers' sector. Given its interest in the specific social and legal issues of home-based employment, the Observatoire de l'emploi à domicile wishes to formalize a collaboration within the framework of a CIFRE agreement with a doctoral student in social law and the research center in which he/she will be registered.