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Prix du Département des Bouches du Rhône pour la recherche en Provence - Application deadline 24 06 2024

Online May 29, 2024

Bouches du Rhône Department Prize for Research in Provence - Application deadline 24 06 2024

Information source: DRV e-mail to units dated 29 05 2024 at 10:38 a.m.

I Summary of the scheme

(Information source: Bouches-du-Rhône department website)

The Departmental Prize for Research in Provence honors the Bouches-du-Rhône scientific community by awarding 3 prizes : the Grand Prix, the Prix Jeune Chercheur and the Prix Spécial.

These prizes recognize researchers, young researchers, collaborators and research teams who have recently distinguished themselves through the originality of their work and/or their impact on civil society and the economy of Provence, nationally and internationally.

The awards are open to scientific and technological communities throughout the Bouches-du-Rhône département.

For 2024, the theme chosen for the Special Prize category is "Sport and Science".

Grand Prix

This prize is awarded to an active researcher and/or a research team who have distinguished themselves through outstanding results or achievements, and whose work the Jury wishes to recognize for its quality and/or originality, as well as for its reputation in the media and among the general public.

Young Researcher Prize

This prize is awarded to an active researcher under 40 years of age at the time of application, in recognition of his or her ability to open up new research perspectives within his or her discipline, the originality of his or her work and the scientific spin-offs of his or her discoveries, as well as his or her contribution to society.

Special Prize

This prize is designed to highlight an outstanding discovery made by an active researcher and/or a research team who have recently distinguished themselves by a remarkable result or achievement in the theme defined each year by the Department. The Jury will take into consideration the societal character as well as the innovative and creative aspect of the application.

For 2024, the theme chosen for the Special Prize category is "Sport and Science".

II How to apply online on the department's website

A Formalities

Comply with the rules and regulations and the online application form.

Link to the Department's prize

B Application deadline (online) 24 06 2024

C Contact DRV AMU


III Pdf DRV AMU - prize presentation

Information source: DRV e-mail to units dated 29 05 2024 at 10:38 a.m.

link to DRV AMU pdf