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Religions, individuals and communities in the Americas - "Revue interdisciplinaire de travaux sur les Amériques" (RITA n°18) - deadline (article) 30 09 2024

Online 22 05 2024

(Calenda ad 1162970)

A recurring object of study across the entire spectrum of the human sciences, the links between religions, communities and the individuals who make them up have never ceased to be interpreted as one of the tensiometers of the social body. Particularly on the American continent, where the destructive intensity of colonization has led to successive waves of migration, community and religious pluralism, from Canada's Northwest Territories to Tierra del Fuego, distinguishes the countries of the American continent from one another, but also tends to paint a common picture. To what extent is there an American specificity to religion and community? This is one of the questions that issue 18 of RITA sets out to answer.