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La rente locative ordinaire et ses espaces - Revue " Espaces et sociétés " - deadline (article) 01 11 2024

Online 11 07 2024

(Calenda ad 1124289)

In France, one dwelling in four is owned by a private lessor, representing 7.5 million dwellings owned by over 2 million owners (Service des données et études statistiques (SDES), 2022). These owners, mostly "natural persons" rather than capitalized companies, have been little studied, even though they occupy a nodal position in the manufacture of urban inequalities and social relations linked to housing (Delon, Vignal, 2022). By focusing on the spaces that landlords invest in and the ordinary strategies they employ to extract rental income, this issue ofEspaces et sociétés aims to contribute to an emerging issue in French and international urban research.