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Taking charge of the aftermath of violence: institutions and actors (XX-XXIst centuries) - Sciences Po Paris - deadline (proposal) before 31 07 2024

Online 09 07 2024

(Announcement Calenda 1172477)

Heroes, martyrs, veterans, executioners, criminals, victims, wounded, mutilated, missing, dead, bereaved - women, men and children. These are the figures that emerge or can emerge from the "paroxysmal experience of violence" (C. Ingrao, Le soleil noir du paroxysme...). Far from forming pre-established categories, these attributions are, on the contrary, constantly redefined by the individuals who claim them - or not - and by the institutions that award them - or not. How, then, do the latter take charge of these singular social actors over the more or less long term of "exits from war" (B. Cabanes, G. Piketty, Retour à l'intime...), or more broadly of "exits[s] from violence" (M. Wieviorka, "Sortir de la violence")?