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Financer une recherche

Prix du master d'histoire du XIXe siècle - Université Paris I - application deadline 15 11 2024

Announcement Calenda 1176163

The Centre d'histoire du XIXe siècle (Université Paris 1 / Sorbonne Université) and the Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle (Société d'histoire de la révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle) wish to encourage and promote research in nineteenth-century history. To this end, they have decided to award an annual prize for the best Master 2 dissertation on the history of the 19th century (1818-1914), regardless of the area concerned.

The thesis must be written in French and defended between June 1 and September 30 of the academic year.

Language revision aids (English) CNSA - Application deadline 15 10 2024 (17 hours)

Announcement Calenda 1142989

The Plateforme nationale pour la recherche sur la fin de vie, with the support of the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie (CNSA), funds assistance with the linguistic revision of scientific texts in English. The aim is to support the international promotion of research results.

Call for researchers for the Strasbourg National and University Library (2025-2026) - application deadline midnight 04 11 2024

Announcement Calenda 1174990

The call published by the Bnu aims to associate for a period of six consecutive months a researcher whose work concerns a particular collection held by the library to work on its scientific and technical development with the library teams.

Grants for the participation of young researchers in international scientific events - CNSA - application deadline 15 10 2024

Announcement Calenda 1142927

Financial aid offered by the Plateforme nationale pour la recherche sur la fin de vie and the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie (CNSA).

Grants to support participation in congresses, colloquia or study days abroad are aimed at young researchers. The aim is to enable them to present an oral paper or poster on research related to end-of-life or palliative care, to develop their network and to learn about international research in this field.

Grants for the participation of young researchers in international scientific events - CNSA - application deadline 15 10 2024

Announcement Calenda 1142927

Financial aid offered by the Plateforme nationale pour la recherche sur la fin de vie and the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie (CNSA).

Grants to support participation in congresses, colloquia or study days abroad are aimed at young researchers. The aim is to enable them to present an oral paper or poster on research related to end-of-life or palliative care, to develop their network and to learn about international research in this field.

Prix Alma des jeunes chercheur-euses 2024 - Application deadline before 29 06 2024

Announcement Calenda 1131448

Created in 2022, the Alma Prize for Young Researchers aims to reward innovative work by students of medieval history, literature, philosophy or philology. To enter the competition, you must hold at least an M1 or Master's degree, be under thirty and not hold a doctorate. You must also be a member of Alma-Recherche.

Karl-Ferdinand-Werner Scholarship of the German Historical Institute (2024) - Paris - application deadline 15 09 2024

Announcement Calenda 1112036

Twice a year, the German Historical Institute awards Karl-Ferdinand-Werner scholarships to help historians carry out research in Paris. In addition to individual research in libraries or archives in and around Paris, the program can also be used to encourage Franco-German scientific cooperation (large-scale project design, research networking, etc.).

Karl-Ferdinand-Werner Scholarship of the German Historical Institute (2024) - Paris - application deadline 15 09 2024

Announcement Calenda 1163578

Twice a year, the German Historical Institute awards Karl-Ferdinand-Werner scholarships to help historians carry out research in Paris. In addition to individual research in libraries or archives in and around Paris, the program can also be used to encourage Franco-German scientific cooperation (large-scale project design, research networking, etc.).

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