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Study of the relationship between humans and predators in peri-urban agroecosystems (internship) - Université Paris Saclay - deadline for participation before 15 December 2021

(Announcement Calenda 933148)

We are looking for an ethnoecology internship at the Ecology Systematic Evolution Laboratory (ESE, Paris Saclay University) on the theme of human-predator relations in peri-urban environments.) integrating life sciences or with a strong interest in biodiversity management issues, or a student in life sciences with proven knowledge and experience in one or more relevant disciplines in SHS, and highly motivated by conducting qualitative surveys.

XXXIst National Observatory of Student Life Award (M1 M2 - Doctorate) - CNOUS - deadline for entries before 31 January 2022

(Announcement Calenda 937894)

The competition of the National Observatory of Student Life (OVE) is open to master's (M1 and M2) and doctoral students of all disciplines who have successfully defended a research paper or a doctoral thesis on a theme related to the living and studying conditions of students and which is in line with the research interests and themes of the OVE. Two prizes are awarded: a master's prize and a doctoral prize (Louis Gruel prize) of 3,000 euros.

Robert Mallet Dissertation Prize in the History of Education - deadline for entries 31 December 2021

(Calenda announcement 940732)

The Robert Mallet Prize is intended to encourage research in the history of education in the broadest sense of the term (history of teaching, history of educational policies, but also history of family, continuing and informal education, possibly with a comparative dimension). This prize, initially awarded by the Amiens Academy every two years, has been awarded by the History Committee of the Ministry of Education (CHIMEN) since 1 September 2021.

Thesis Prize 2021-2022 (XIXth century) - Association " La maison d'Auguste Comte "(Paris) - deadline for entries 30 April 2022

(Calenda Announcement 940577)

The Association will award a prize for a thesis on the following topics, in order of preference

order, on :

1- Auguste Comte and positivism in the 19th and 20th centuries

2- History and philosophy of science in the 19th century

3- Politics and social sciences in the 19th century

This thesis (or PhD) must have been defended within the last five years.

Aid to research (19th century) - Association " La maison d'Auguste Comte "(Paris) - deadline for participation 30 April 2022

(Announcement Calenda 940577)

The Association is awarding a sum to help fund and encourage research on

research on, in order of preference, :

1- Auguste Comte and positivism in the 19th and 20th centuries

2- History and philosophy of science in the 19th century

3- Politics and social sciences in the 19th century

This research work will make use of the documentary resources of the

of the Auguste Comte House.

Obstructed research Postdoctoral research stay in France - Atlas 2022 - FMSH (Paris) - deadline for participation 10 December 2021 at 5:00 pm (Paris time)

(Calenda announcement 911024)

The Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH) is reinforcing its mission to support intellectual circles in countries marked by various obstacles to academic freedom and is opening a new component of its Atlas program. This new call is dedicated to applications from post-doctoral fellows whose fields and research are hindered. The FMSH offers mobility grants for stays in France of two to three months to postdoctoral researchers of all nationalities.

Atlas 2022 Postdoctoral Fellowship - East Africa > France - FMSH (Paris) - deadline for participation 10 December 2021 at 5:00 pm (Paris time)

(Announcement Calenda 910954)

The Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme and the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA) in Nairobi are offering a mobility grant for a three-month stay in France to post-doctoral researchers from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, and Eastern Congo (the Kivus) who have defended their thesis from 2016. This mobility grant is intended to carry out research work in France: field surveys, work in libraries and archives.

Atlas 2022 postdoctoral fellowship - Belarus, Moldova, Russia > France - FMSH (Paris) - deadline for participation 10 December 2021 at 5:00 pm (Paris time)

(Calenda announcement 910990)

The Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH) and the Centre for Franco-Russian Studies in Moscow offer mobility grants for stays in France of two to three months to Belarusian, Moldovan and Russian postdoctoral researchers who have defended their thesis from 2016. This mobility grant is intended to carry out research work in France: field surveys, work in libraries and archives.

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