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Travail, syndicalisme et action collective en Afrique - Nouvelle Revue du Travail - deadline (article) 01 09 2024

Online 22 02 2024

Listing Calenda 1137325

La Nouvelle Revue du travailfor its corpus no. 27, to be published in autumn 2025, is calling for articles on trade unionism and collective action in Africa. Contrary to popular belief, wage-earning and trade unionism in Africa are not disappearing. However, wage-earning - both as a condition of subordination and of social protection - remains a minority on the African continent, depending on national sectors and histories. The same is true of trade unionism, which, as a specialized activity representing workers' interests, is often numerically weak, with the exception of certain sectors or historical periods. In this singular context, what forms does trade unionism take in Africa? How can it shed light on the major contemporary questions concerning the contours of workers' defense, representation and collective action worldwide?