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  • Initial training - Continuing education
  • 1 year
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    This course is an immediate extension of the Master 1 in "Legal and Institutional History". In the second year, it also welcomes students from other Master's programs in law or political science wishing to acquire knowledge in the history of law, institutions and political and legal thought.

    The main aim of this course is to provide students with training in legal history, integrating institutional and legal issues into their political, social and cultural environment.

    The History of Law and Political Thought program includes :

    - A research training option: "In-depth studies in the history of law and political ideas", for students intending to prepare a doctoral thesis, or enter the teaching or research professions. Students must write and defend a research dissertation under the supervision of an HDR teacher-researcher.

    - A professional option: "Métiers de la mémoire et du patrimoine" ("Memory and Heritage Professions"), which aims to provide an understanding of the different aspects and professions involved in conservation and heritage (museums, archives, libraries, cultural mediation), and to prepare students for civil service entrance examinations.

    The program includes specific courses and a minimum 9-week internship to prepare students for positions in cultural and heritage institutions.


    • FDSP, Aix-en-Provence

    The program is supported by the Centre d'Études et de Recherches en Histoire des Idées et des Institutions Politiques (CERHIIP UR 2186), which pursues an active research policy in the history of political thought and institutions. Students are encouraged to participate in the center's research activities, both through their own work and by attending conferences, colloquia and study days organized throughout the year.


    - Ability to work in a group.

    - Ability to present work orally, before an audience or an assessment panel.

    - Ability, individually, to carry out research work at a scientific level (research reports and dissertation) with also for the professional program the acquisition of conservation know-how.

    ➡ For the research option: research skills on archival and printed documentation, ability to write a dissertation and research reports; ability to present and disseminate research.

    ➡ For the professional option: mastery of the legal issues involved in the conservation of cultural, historical, tangible and intangible heritage, advice in the historical reconstitution of heritage holdings.


    - Successful completion of the research option requires the writing and oral defense of a research dissertation under the supervision of a teacher in the program.

    - Successful completion of the professional option requires an internship in a cultural or heritage institution, and the submission of an internship report validated by an oral defense.


    Teaching consists of lectures and seminars involving French and foreign research professors. They are given in-class on the faculty's premises, and in some cases on the premises of partner institutions, by professionals in the fields of conservation, heritage and documentation.

    Their expertise is used to reinforce the practical and professional aspects of the training.



    • 128G Droit fiscal ; Droit des affaires ; Droit pénal ; Droit de l'environnement ; Droit de la santé ; Droit de la sécurité et de la défense ; Droit du transport etc (fr)

    - Higher education or public research organizations, secondary education, civil service professions, legal and judicial professions (lawyer, magistrate, estate genealogist, auctioneer...).

    - Librarian, heritage conservation officer (archives, libraries, museums, foundations, public and local authorities, private collections, corporate memory, cultural mediation...).


Responsible for the course