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  • Initial training - Continuing education
  • 1 year
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    The aim of the Master 2 DRTPS is to provide high-level training for future employment law lawyers called upon to intervene in the various professional sectors concerned.

    Training takes account of the economic context of companies. It develops knowledge of employment law and social protection law with a view to developing the ability to analyse and deal legally with contextualised situations.

    The training takes account of the economic context of companies.

    Training takes account of the needs of human resources departments, relations between professional organisations and trade unions, individual and collective conflictual relations and their resolution in an evolving legal context.

    Social protection law issues affecting social security bodies and insurance or provident institutions in their dealings with insured persons, policyholders, beneficiaries and companies are also covered.


    Master 1 : Licence en droit (law degree) : Labour law courses and TDs in L3

    Master 2 : Level required to enter the course: Bac + 4 or equivalent. UE du Master 1 Droit social, Technique contractuelle et contrats de travail, Représentations collectives des travailleurs, Restructurations et licenciements collectifs, Protection sociale, Politiques sociales, Droit social européen.

    International students, examination of prerequisites with regard to the training followed


    Applicants should have a solid grounding in employment law (labour law and social protection law).

    Master 1: business law, courses and TDs in employment law in L3

    Master 2: Reactive labour law, Employment litigation, Social and employment policy, Law of companies in difficulty


    • FDSP, Aix-en-Provence

    The degree is supported by the Centre de Droit Social (CDS UR 901). This UR is made up of 15 ECs specialising in social law. They are all members of the teaching team. The excellence of this team is recognised (HCERES report), as is the coherence of the training/research relationship. The CDS is the only accredited laboratory offering training in social law in the region.


    The Master 2 DRTPS aims to develop the acquisition of specific skills in employment law, such as:

    - the ability to adapt to the ever-changing environment,

    - advice on individual and collective employment strategies,

    - assessment and prevention of legal risks,

    - management of labor disputes (individual and collective).

    The graduate will have acquired advanced technical skills in employment law, enabling him to put practical issues into perspective in the legal, political and trade union environment that characterises it.

    He will also have acquired skills and abilities such as:

    - mastery of massive and technical information,

    - a spirit of analysis and synthesis,

    - speaking skills,

    - the ability to communicate effectively on employment law issues.


    Master 1: Research dissertation and work placement.

    The research dissertation takes the form of a tutored report. The work placement lasts a minimum of 3 weeks and allows students to immerse themselves in the professional world. The placement report results in the acquisition of credits.

    Master 2: The student will have to choose between:

    1) Internship option (minimum duration of two months), with a research dissertation and an internship report

    2) Work-linked option, with a research dissertation and an activity report

    The mémoire is conceived as an initiation into and through research (deepening).


    Master 1: Classes are made up of lectures and tutorials, in accordance with the semester system. Theoretical and practical approaches complement each other, including inverted pedagogy. Digital tools may be used.

    Master 2: Teaching is based on theory, seminars and workshops, using interactive teaching methods such as inverted teaching, group presentations and case commentaries, case studies and role-playing. The teaching team is made up of university research professors and a number of speakers from the business world, who provide students with practical insights and expertise.

    A professional development committee meets at least once a year. Apprentice delegates elected by their peers sit on this committee, where they can express their needs and discuss matters with representatives of the teaching team and the professional world.



    • 128G Droit fiscal ; Droit des affaires ; Droit pénal ; Droit de l'environnement ; Droit de la santé ; Droit de la sécurité et de la défense ; Droit du transport etc (fr)
    • 315M Ressources humaines, gestion de l'emploi (fr)
    • 345T Instruction, plaidoirie, élaboration des documents juridiques et notariaux (fr)

    The aim is to gain access to the functions of company social lawyer, HR manager or assistant, lawyer's associate, consultant in a recruitment firm, lawyer in a professional organisation.

    Diplomas can take the CFRPA exam, target recruitment methods for the judiciary (competitive examination or legal assistant contract), and public bodies (competitive examination for access to à l'école de l'inspection du travail et de l'École Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale).

    Access to the functions of company social lawyer, HR manager or assistant, lawyer's associate, consultant in a recruitment firm, lawyer in a professional organisation.

    Possibility of taking the CFRPA exam, targeting recruitment methods for the judiciary (competitive examination or legal assistant contract), and public bodies (competitive examination for access to the Labour Inspectorate and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale)


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