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Association laïque pour l'éducation, la formation, la prévention et l'autonomie (ALEFPA) thesis prize - application deadline 15 08 2023

Online 11 07 2023

(Announcement Calenda 1061914)

1 Framework (summary)

Each year, the Association laïque pour l'éducation, la formation, la prévention et l'autonomie (Alefpa) awards two €1,500 prizes for doctoral theses.

The work must concern people with social difficulties or physical or mental disabilities. They may deal with education or training, support methods or the care to be provided. In particular, they look at ways of promoting prevention, helping these people to become autonomous, and enhancing their status as citizens in society.

The disciplines concerned include (but are not limited to) architecture, cultural mediation, educational science, psychology, sociology, political science, medical disciplines, etc.

Each year, Alefpa's Scientific Advisory Board awards two prizes (...) for theses on topics of relevance to the association's activities.

The thesis must have been defended in the two years preceding the competition deadline, and must be written in French.

2 The deadline for applications is August 15, 2023.