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Doctoral contract - Graduate+ ARTS (Arts, recherche, territoires, savoirs) - Université Jean Monnet (Saint-Étienne) deadline 31 05 2024

Online 13 05 2024

Announcement Calenda 1159198

1 Summary of the program

Funded by the ANR " Training through Research " program, this doctoral contract is part of the Graduate+ ARTS program run by the ARTS Institute at the Jean Monnet University in Saint-Étienne. The thesis project will cross disciplines and approaches in the arts, whatever their field. It will fit in with the themes and axes of the ARTS Institute: theory and practice of making; traces, memories, territories; constructions of knowledge, representations, transmission; arts and sciences.

2 Eligibility criteria

  • Hold a Master's degree, or be at the end of a Master's 2, or an equivalent diploma, with a minimum mark of 14/20 in the dissertation.
  • Quality of the research project and fit with the scientific positioning of the ARTS Institute.
  • First thesis registration in 2024-2025.

3 Application deadline 05 31 2024