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Gender and inequalities in rural areas (Nords / Suds) - PhD contract - Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord (UPSN) - application deadline April 28, 2023

Online 28 03 2023 - deadline for applications 28 April 2023

(Announcement Calenda 1059856)

1 Presentation of the scheme (summary)

The University of Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN) invites applications for a doctoral contract for a thesis in geography on the theme of gender and inequalities in rural spaces. The proposed doctoral research aims to cross the spatial dimensions of gender relations within rural territories. Without restriction, it could focus on the agricultural world, small-scale industry in the countryside, as well as tourism and leisure activities, all of which constitute elements of diversification in rural territories, and thus pretexts for the analysis of gender inequalities. The reciprocal consequences of spatial practices on the asymmetry of social relations will be points of interest to develop. The scale of analysis may also vary.

Application requirements

  • In September 2023, the candidate will hold a research master's degree or an equivalent diploma or a post-master's degree in a spatial studies discipline (geography, planning, architecture, sociology, anthropology, urbanism), bearing in mind that the doctorate will be in geography and planning (sections 23 and 24 of the CNU).
  • He/she must have good writing skills in French, the language in which the thesis must be written.
  • The doctoral contract is for a period of 3 years starting in September 2023.

2 Application deadline: April 28, 2023