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L'intelligence artificielle : vie, effet de vie et survie de l'humain - Institut Supérieur des Beaux-arts (Sousse - Tunisie)- deadline (proposal) before 15 09 2024

Online 15 07 2024

(Announcement Calenda 1178320)

The growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in all fields (cultural, artistic, literary, scientific, marketing, etc.) is the phenomenon of this century, still open to the unknown. This raises essential questions about the future of the human condition. Opinions are divided: between, on the one hand, the enthusiasm and triumph of human intelligence, creating an avatar capable of achieving what, just a few years ago, was considered impossible, and on the other, the demonization, blacklisting and even fear of the overthrow of human values by allowing the machine to work autonomously for man.