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Literature and law: interaction and confrontation - Université Alassane Ouattara (Bouaké - Côte d'Ivoire) - deadline (abstract) 05 09 2024

Online 14 03 2024

(Announcement Calenda 1104819)

The Laboratoire d'études et de recherche en littératures française et francophone (LABERLIF) is organizing this colloquium to promote exchanges between professionals in the field, with the aim of enlightening national and international opinion on the shared privilege of literature and law. Indeed, the interdisciplinary relationship between the two disciplines is no longer up for discussion in the academic world. The "Law and Literature" movement initiated in the USA in the 1970s demonstrates the mutual enrichment of these two disciplines. The former is recognized for its originality in producing fiction, style and imagination. The second is seen in the establishment of rules, standards and laws. The "Literature and Law" dialogue fosters the intersection of two hermeneutic modes that Ronald Dworkin has made famous in his research activities.