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Cycle of legal news conferences of the Institut caennais de recherche juridique (ICREJ) 16 09 2022 - 10 02 2023 (on-site conferences) - registration required

Announcement Calenda 1013044)

The Institut caennais de recherche juridique (ICREJ) is organizing a series of conferences on current legal issues for the 2022/2023 academic year. The driving idea is to associate academics and practitioners on trends, developments, legislative, jurisprudential or normative events in the broadest sense.

Regards scientifiques sur le sens au travail - ANACT (Paris) - Study day (hybrid) June 21, 2022 - registration required

(Calenda ad 1001205)

Meaning at work is increasingly being discussed by organizations, policy makers, pollsters, the media, and employed and unemployed individuals. It is also a subject that has given rise to numerous scientific publications. Meaning at work refers to several terms such as the meaning of work and meaningful work. These conceptual differences result in a variety of research studies that complement the understanding of meaning at work in its dynamics and complexity. This study day aims to discuss methodological and scientific issues related to meaning at work.

Procreative norms and the plurality of "becoming a parent" - University of Lyon I - Study day (hybrid) June 30, 2022 - (registration required)

(Announcement Calenda 1000939)

These days are devoted to childbirth through the lens of social inequalities. They aim to bring together researchers∙euses (tenured and non-tenured) in social sciences, health, health professionals∙les and activists∙es around three themes: medicalization and the promotion of the "natural"; the extension and reappropriation of health knowledge and practices by users∙es; the diversity of ways of becoming a parent.

French Southern and Antarctic Lands - National Archives and TAAF - Study days (hybrid) June 07, 2022 to June 09, 2022 - Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (registration required)

(Announcement Calenda 1 000 915)

To commemorate the 250th anniversary of the discovery of the Kerguelen and Crozet archipelagos, the National Archives and the French Southern and Antarctic Lands [TAAF] are organizing a symposium on the history of these extreme lands. This event will be an opportunity to take stock of the different histories that are being played out at the same time in these remote lands: the history of territories and men, the history of an institution and of norms, the history of sciences and experiments, the history of imaginary and lived experiences.

Education, digital technology, social cohesion and public policies - Institut des Amériques - Colloquium June 8 and 9, 2022 - Paris (registration required)

(Calenda announcement 995920)

As part of the Latin America and Caribbean Week, the Institute of the Americas announces the 2022 edition of the international symposium, organized in partnership with the European Union-Latin America and Caribbean Foundation (EU-LAC), the French Development Agency (AFD), and supported by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE).

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