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The world in polycrisis: geopolitical challenges and international law responses - European University of Valencia (Spain) - deadline (proposal) 15 10 2024

Online 27 06 2024

(Calenda announcement 1174822)

The world is in the midst of a "polycrisis", a tangle of crises that spans global systems. The term "polycrisis" illustrates how global crises are interconnected, intertwined and mutually aggravating. If this concept is used with greater clarity and precision than has been the case to date, it could provide essential new insights into our current situation. For this reason, the European University of Valencia is calling for papers on the following topics: conceptual approaches to polycrisis, the impact of polycrisis on the economy, artificial intelligence in the context of polycrisis, new inequalities generated by polycrisis, legal and political responses to the challenge of polycrisis, the environment as cause and "victim" of polycrisis, and the impact of polycrisis on security and human rights.