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  • Initial training - Continuing education - Distance learning
  • 3 years
  • Aix-en-Provence / Marseille Canebière / Arles
  • AIMS

    The Licence en droit course is a Bac + 3 training course which allows students to obtain a Licence en droit diploma. The first year of the licence is a common core without any options allowing the student to be initiated into the major notions of law. In the 2nd and 3rd years, in addition to the compulsory courses that are essential to the training of a lawyer, there are more specialised courses that the student can choose to study in greater depth in seminars. It then allows students to consider either continuing their studies in a Master's degree, or to enter the professional world, as certain legal professions are accessible to anyone with a Law degree.


    The level « L » is a level that involves little research in its training programme. However, they are introduced to the tools of legal research by the Service Commun de Documentation, a module created as part of a UE and provided in the form of a TD in class. During the tutorials, students are regularly led to carry out documentary research directly or indirectly for the completion of technical exercises such as the dissertation, the text commentary or the practical case.


    - Master the legal vocabulary

    - Handle legal and para-legal data (codes and databases)

    - Build a legal argument

    - Qualify the problems submitted legally and use his/her theoretical knowledge to provide a practical solution;

    - Master the reading of case law decisions of national and international jurisdictions;

    - Position oneself in the national, international and European legal environment

    - Mobilize a general culture and apply it to the legal field;

    - Communicate in writing and orally in a professional manner

    - Master foreign legal terminology (in at least one language other than the mother tongue);

    - mastering digital tools.


    Students may carry out internships during the three years of the Licence, provided that they are approved and validated by the teaching staff



Responsible for the mention

Directors of studies

The routes

Champ 1

Double degree in Law and Economics and Management

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Champ 1

Double degree in Law and Art History

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Champ 1

Double degree in Law and Literature

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Champ 1

Double degree Law - Philosophy

Opening in 2022