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Continuing Education

If you wish to resume your studies, acquire new skills or update them, the Continuing Education Service welcomes you, advises you in your steps and ensures the administrative follow-up of your training within the Faculty of Law and Political Science.

  • Public concerned

    The following groups are covered by the status of continuing vocational training - distinct from that of students:

    • People returning to school (after an interruption of at least 2 years)
    • Any person whose training is financed by a third party (employer, OPCA, local authorities, etc.),
    • Employees (especially under professionalization contracts) and civil servants,
    • Liberal professions, self-employed workers, craftsmen, spouses of craftsmen and shopkeepers,
    • People registered with Pole Emploi,
    • Beneficiaries of the R.S.A.
    • Individuals wishing to follow a specific training course or wishing to make specific educational adjustments,
    • Beneficiaries of a VAP (Validation of Professional Experience) or a VAE (Validation of Experience).

    Please note: the continuing education status is incompatible with the CROUS scholarship status, which is reserved for students.

    The benefit of a Pole Emploi or RSA compensation is incompatible with the student status but remains possible under the continuing education status (see your advisor before your registration).

  • Courses available under the status of continuing education

    Almost all the courses offered by the Faculty of Law and Political Science are accessible to the public under the status of continuing education (from the law degree to Masters, as well as institutional diplomas), provided that the admission conditions are met and the application procedures are respected.

    For short courses, contact:

  • Facilities for continuing education

    Almost all of the Faculty of Law's courses are open to continuing education students, and some courses are specifically designed for them.

    Specific training courses for continuing education

    Among these courses, the courses offered in distance learning (Licence Droit, M1 Droit des affaires and M1 Droit public) are particularly well suited to students who have to reconcile their studies with a professional activity and/or family obligations.

    Special arrangements have been made for continuing education students in EAD: dedicated tutorial groups held by videoconference on Saturday mornings and early afternoons, regular meetings by videoconference with the referents of the subjects taught.

    Some Masters and institutional diplomas are open exclusively to students in continuing education

    Accommodations for training

    In most of our degrees, the courses are offered to a mixed public: they welcome both initial training students and continuing education trainees.

    However, in order to facilitate access for continuing education students, and in order to provide better individual support, several arrangements can be made:

    • apply for a Special Study Regime (RSE) if you are employed or have a family to care for (priority in the choice of tutorial groups, exemption from attendance, etc.)
    • ask the person in charge of the diploma to follow the course over two years instead of one,
    • define other adaptation actions with the teachers in charge of the courses, and thus allow a better individualization of the course (e.g.: an activity report instead of an internship report, refresher modules...).
  • Conditions of access

    Access by right

    • CAPACITY IN LAW: accessible to people who do not have a diploma at Bac level (no diploma requirements)
    • 1st YEAR LICENCE: the baccalaureate diploma or a level IV qualification is required for registration

      or person repeating a Licence 1 mention Droit from a French University

      ATTENTION: people who are part of the continuing education system do not have to register on ParcourSup to access Licence 1

      ATTENTION: the Licence option Health, the Licence Kent and the Double Licences are not accessible to the persons coming from the continuing education

    • LICENCE 2ND YEAR: holders of a Licence 1 Droit from a French university or repeaters of a Licence 2 Droit from a French university
    • LICENCE 3ND YEAR: holders of a Licence 2 Droit from a French University or repeaters of a Licence 3 Droit from a French University

    IMPORTANT: In accordance with the examination regulations, the number of consecutive administrative registrations in the Licence programme is limited to five, including three for the first two years (Licence 1 and Licence 2) and two for Licence 3. If you exceed the authorised quota, you must send the Continuing Education Department a request for exemption together with a letter of motivation.

    In Master 1 and Master 2, repeating a year is only allowed on the decision of the jury

    Access by application

    For national selective diplomas :

    Access by validation of prior learning

    The VAP : The validation of professional experience (V.A.P.) allows direct entry into a university course without having the required diploma level (for example, holder of a bac+3 for entry into the second year of a bac+5 master's degree), by having professional experience or personal experience validated. It also allows for adjustments to the course of study with exemptions from certain courses.

    The VAE: The validation of acquired experience (V.A.E.) allows the certification of all or part of a diploma. This certification involves writing and defending a file before a VAE jury.

    These two procedures for validating prior learning are managed by a separate service from the Faculty of Law, the Continuing Professional Education Service (SFPC).

Distance learning courses offer alternative and more flexible ways of delivering courses than face-to-face.

Whether you are returning to school, retraining or upgrading your skills, the possibility of working at a distance and at your own pace is a major advantage for continuing education profiles.

  • Pricing Continuing education 2021/2022

  • Financing arrangements

    Important: If you are a member of the continuing education system, it is your responsibility to find a method of financing linked to your status and allowing your training costs to be covered by a third party.

    If you are an employee:

    For the financing of your training, please first contact your employer's Human Resources Department to find out if there are any possibilities of being covered (particularly within the framework of the training plan).

    If the employer cannot cover this cost himself, he should contact the OPCO (organisme paritaire collecteur agréé) on which he depends (depending on your professional branch) and which could finance you.

    You can also find out about the Personal Training Account (CPF ex-DIF) and the CPF for professional transition (ex CIF).

    Please note: not all training courses are eligible for the CPF, a certification in the RNCP or the Specific Directory is essential. To find out which training courses are eligible and the conditions for mobilising the CPF, you must contact our services before the start of the training course.

    If you are not employed (liberal professions, farmers, craftsmen, shopkeepers, independent workers, etc.):

    Contact your training insurance fund (F.I.P.-P.L., ACTALIANS, FAFSEA,...)

    You can also find out about the Personal Training Account (CPF ex-DIF)

    Please note: not all training courses are eligible for the CPF, a certification in the RNCP or the Specific Directory is essential. To find out which training courses are eligible and the conditions for mobilising the CPF, you must contact our services before the start of the training course.

    If you are a job seeker (whether or not you receive compensation):

    You must inform your Pole Emploi advisor of your training project and the advisor must give you a prescription document validating this project: this is the personalized project for access to employment (PPAE).

    Your advisor will also inform you of the conditions for maintaining your compensation during your training.

    There are possibilities of financing your training by Pole Emploi within the framework of the AIF (Aide Individuelle à la Formation): you must contact your Pole Emploi advisor - imperatively before the start of the training -.

    For jobseekers wishing to enrol in training courses approved by the PACA Region (in particular Professional Licences and Masters 2), there is a funding scheme provided by the Regional Council: contact our services for information.

    The hours in your Personal Training Account (CPF ex-DIF) are acquired in proportion to the time you work and you keep them throughout your professional life, even if you are unemployed. Pôle emploi informs you about the mobilisation of your CPF and the possibilities of adding to it through their services.

    See also:

    Another way for jobseekers to find funding is through the supplementary pension funds via their Social Action service. To find out which pension fund to contact according to your situation, consult:

    If you are a beneficiary of the RSA :

    You must inform your RSA advisor of your training project and the latter must give you a prescription document validating this project in order to avoid any interruption in your compensation.

    There is a funding scheme provided by the Conseil Départemental, as part of the Programme Départemental d'Insertion (Departmental Integration Programme) for RSA recipients: your referral will inform you of the conditions of attribution.

    If you meet the eligibility criteria and the course you are taking is subsidised by the PACA Region (in particular Professional Licences and Masters 2), there is a funding scheme provided by the Regional Council: contact our services for information.

    If you suffer from a handicap:

    You can apply to the AGEFIPH (Fund for the professional integration of disabled people).

    If you have to finance your training yourself:

    Please note: when you register, you will be asked to provide proof of refusal to pay for your training by the third party financer, depending on your status (employer, OPCO, Pole Emploi, etc.).

    If you have been refused funding by third parties or if you are unable to use your CPF, you will have the option of

    • to set up a payment schedule in 3 instalments for the training costs (provide yourself with a bank account number and a cheque + draw up a letter stating the reasons for your request together with supporting documents)
    • and/or submit a request for partial exemption from training fees based on social criteria, which will be examined by the Commission for Exemption (except for DESU/DU/CESU/CU): link to file
    Dossier de demande d'exonération partielle FC

Attention: This page only concerns trainees in continuing education (people returning to school, employees, job seekers, RSA beneficiaries, etc.) and not students.


Registration campaign for the 2021/2022 academic year: opening in early July 2021 (dates to come)

ATTENTION: Registration is mandatory to access all digital tools (ENT, timetables, AMETICE platform, distance learning...)

  • The steps of your administrative registration

    If you have the required title or if you have received a favourable opinion on your application for a training course, you can follow the procedure below:

    Step 1 : Constitution of the registration file

    Print out the registration form and the information sheet, complete them with the help of the explanatory note and the appendices, and attach the supporting documents requested.

    Attention: No registration will be carried out if the application form is incomplete

    Download the documents of the 2021/2022 registration file (printed in pdf format).


    You are registered with Pôle Emploi: contact your Pôle Emploi advisor as soon as possible in order to validate your entry into training (prescription) and to inform you about the possibilities of financing. Issue of the AISF (certificate of registration for a training course to be completed by the University), preparation of the PPAE (Personalized Project for Access to Employment) mentioning the agreement or refusal of funding.

    If you are receiving the RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active): contact your RSA advisor in order to have your training project validated (prescription) and thus avoid the suspension of your benefit rights.

    Important : If you are in one of these two cases, in order not to lose your rights, tell your advisor that you will have the status of "Continuing Education Trainee" and not "student".

    Step 2: Making an appointment

    The administrative registration for continuing education must be done in person by appointment (no registration can be done via a Web AI).

    The only exception: people who are not able to come to the school because they are following a distance learning course can send us their file - complete with payment - by mail.

    People who are part of the continuing education system but who take courses in ARLES and MARSEILLE must also contact the continuing education department in Aix-en-Provence.

    • Make an appointment using the ERIS automated application. No appointments are given by phone when this application is active. Accessing the appointment booking via ERIS
    • If the application is not active, contact our continuing education department during public opening hours.

    Step 3: Finalize registration and payment

    During the appointment, after checking your file, we will proceed with your administrative registration and establish your professional training contract.

    You will have to pay a continuing education fee (see the "pricing" tab or contact our service for prior information).

    It is possible to pay your training fees in instalments (3 times maximum); to do so, please provide a clear bank details form and a cheque made out to the AMU accounting officer for the amount corresponding to the first third of the sum + a letter explaining your request for instalment payment.

    If you are being financed by a third party, employer, OPCO, etc., you must provide us with the agreement to cover the cost when you register.

    If you are financing your training yourself, you must provide a certificate of refusal to pay from your employer, the OPCO, Pole Emploi, etc... because it is your responsibility to find a method of financing linked to your status prior to registration.

    Demande de dérogation pour inscription supplémentaire en Licence

    If you have the required title or if you have received a favourable opinion on your application for a training course, you can follow the procedure below:

    Step 1 : Constitution of the registration file

    Print out the registration form and the information sheet, complete them with the help of the explanatory note and the appendices, and attach the supporting documents requested.

    Attention: No registration will be carried out if the application form is incomplete

    Download the documents of the 2021/2022 registration file (printed in pdf format).


    You are registered with Pôle Emploi: contact your Pôle Emploi advisor as soon as possible in order to validate your entry into training (prescription) and to inform you about the possibilities of financing. Issue of the AISF (certificate of registration for a training course to be completed by the University), preparation of the PPAE (Personalized Project for Access to Employment) mentioning the agreement or refusal of funding.

    If you are receiving the RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active): contact your RSA advisor in order to have your training project validated (prescription) and thus avoid the suspension of your benefit rights.

    Important : If you are in one of these two cases, in order not to lose your rights, tell your advisor that you will have the status of "Continuing Education Trainee" and not "student".

    Step 2: Making an appointment

    The administrative registration for continuing education must be done in person by appointment (no registration can be done via a Web AI).

    The only exception: people who are not able to come to the school because they are following a distance learning course can send us their file - complete with payment - by mail.

    People who are part of the continuing education system but who take courses in ARLES and MARSEILLE must also contact the continuing education department in Aix-en-Provence.

    • Make an appointment using the ERIS automated application. No appointments are given by phone when this application is active. Accessing the appointment booking via ERIS
    • If the application is not active, contact our continuing education department during public opening hours.

    Step 3: Finalize registration and payment

    During the appointment, after checking your file, we will proceed with your administrative registration and establish your professional training contract.

    You will have to pay a continuing education fee (see the "pricing" tab or contact our service for prior information).

    It is possible to pay your training fees in instalments (3 times maximum); to do so, please provide a clear bank details form and a cheque made out to the AMU accounting officer for the amount corresponding to the first third of the sum + a letter explaining your request for instalment payment.

    If you are being financed by a third party, employer, OPCO, etc., you must provide us with the agreement to cover the cost when you register.

    If you are financing your training yourself, you must provide a certificate of refusal to pay from your employer, the OPCO, Pole Emploi, etc... because it is your responsibility to find a method of financing linked to your status prior to registration.

    Vous êtes inscrit à France Travail (ex Pôle emploi) : contactez au plus tôt votre conseiller France Travail afin de faire valider votre entrée en formation (prescription) et de vous renseigner sur les possibilités de financement. Délivrance de l’AISF (attestation d’inscription à un stage de formation à compléter par l’Université), élaboration du PPAE (Projet Personnalisé d’Accès à l’Emploi) mentionnant l’accord ou le refus de prise en charge.
    Vous êtes bénéficiaire du RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active) : contactez votre référent RSA afin de faire valider votre projet de formation (prescription) et éviter ainsi la suspension de vos droits à allocation.

    Important : Si vous êtes dans l’un de ces deux cas, afin de ne pas perdre vos droits, précisez à votre conseiller que vous aurez le statut de « stagiaire de la Formation Continue » et non le statut « étudiant ».


    Etape 2 : Dépôt du dossier et des pièces justificatives au Service formation continue

    L’inscription administrative en scolarité formation continue doit se faire EN PRÉSENTIEL ET UNIQUEMENT SUR RENDEZ-VOUS via la plateforme ERIS :   (pas de RV donné par téléphone ou par mail)

    Les RV sont proposés sur 5 jours "glissants" sur la plateforme, si aucun créneau n'est proposé merci de vous reconnecter ultérieurement.

    Exceptionnellement, les personnes n’étant pas en mesure de se déplacer (éloignement géographique, horaires de travail totalement incompatibles avec nos horaires d'ouverture au public, ...) peuvent nous transmettre leur dossier - COMPLET et avec règlement par chèque à l'ordre de l'agent comptable AMU - par COURRIER (et non par mail). Un envoi en courrier suivi est conseillé (attention à la date d'envoi, cachet de la poste faisant foi).

    Les personnes relevant de la formation continue mais suivant les cours sur les sites d'ARLES, de MARSEILLE ou de SALON-DE-PROVENCE doivent également être inscrites par notre service formation continue situé à Aix-en-Provence.


    Etape 3 : Finalisation de l’inscription et paiement 

    Après vérification de votre dossier, nous procéderons à votre inscription administrative et nous établirons votre contrat de formation professionnelle.

    Vous aurez à régler des frais de formation continue (cf. onglet « tarification » ou prendre contact avec notre service pour information préalable) par carte bancaire ou chèque à l'ordre de l'agent comptable AMU.

    Il existe une possibilité de paiement échelonné de vos frais de formation à partir de 1000,00€ (3 fois maximum); pour cela fournir un RIB lisible et un chèque à l'ordre de l'agent comptable AMU pour le montant correspondant au 1er tiers de la somme dûe.

    Si votre formation est référencée sur la plateforme CPF "Mon compte Formation" et que vous souhaitez mobiliser votre CPF pour payer vos frais de formation, il vous faut prendre contact dès fin juin 2024 avec le service Formation continue pour connaitre la marche à suivre (les CGU de la plateforme Mon compte Formation imposant des délais minimum entre la date de demande de mobilisation CPF et l'entrée en formation). Merci de consulter préalablement l'onglet "Tarification".

    En cas de financement par un tiers (employeur, OPCO, France Travail (ex Pole emploi),...) il est nécessaire de nous fournir l'accord de prise en charge au moment du rendez-vous d'inscription.

    Si vous financez vous-même votre formation, il est nécessaire de fournir une attestation de refus de prise en charge établie par l’employeur, l’OPCO, France Travail (ex Pole Emploi), etc…car il vous appartient préalablement à l’inscription de trouver un mode de financement lié à votre statut :

  • Adaptation of studies / Support for the disabled

    If you have a permanent/temporary disability or a long-term disabling health problem, you can benefit from a specific support system.

    Contact: Florence DURAND for the FDSP, 04 13 94 22 69

    Important: it is necessary to inform the Mission Handicap as soon as possible, so that the adjustments (studies and/or exams) can be put in place as soon as possible; this procedure must be repeated at each university registration.

Trainees in continuing education also have the opportunity to do work placements during their training.

  • The different types of internships

    Optional and compulsory internships are provided for in the university course:

    • An optional internship in the 1st year Master (except EAD); optional because the choice is possible between an internship or the production of a research paper. This internship, carried out within the same company, lasts a minimum of three weeks (15 working days - i.e. 105 hours - not necessarily consecutive, with the possibility of one or two days of internship per week).
    • A compulsory internship in the "professional" Master 2 ; compulsory because it is stipulated in the Master's regulations. The length of this internship varies according to the Master's degree.

    These optional (Master 1) and compulsory (Master 2) internships give rise to credits.

    In addition to these courses, for any course with an hourly volume of 200 hours of classes (including EAD courses), it is possible to carry out "optional" or "voluntary" courses which must also be covered by an internship agreement. These internships are therefore at the exclusive initiative of the student who wishes to enhance his or her university course and do not give rise to a grade.

    Internships have a maximum duration of six months, unless the diploma regulations provide for a longer duration.

  • The CF practical training agreement

    Please note: you must not use the I-PRO platform intended exclusively for students

    The internship agreement sets out the obligations of the parties (Aix-Marseille University, host organisation, CE intern) in accordance with the legislation and regulations in force.

    The signature of an internship agreement is therefore MANDATORY FOR ALL INTERNSHIPS, whether they are optional, compulsory or voluntary.

    It must be signed by all parties before the actual start of the internship. Any internship started before signatures are required is illegal with all the consequences that follow, especially in terms of not being covered in case of an accident at work.

  • Gratuity during the internship

    It is not compulsory for trainees in continuing education, even if they have completed more than two months of training: their training agreement is governed by the Labour Code and not by the Education Code, as is the case for students (for the latter, training periods of more than two months are compulsorily rewarded).

    However, the host organization may decide to grant an allowance which, in this case, is subject to common law social security contributions on the total amount paid, or benefits in kind which are listed on the internship agreement.


Faculty of Law and Political Science

Continuing Education Service

Ground floor, Pouillon building - office 13

3 avenue Robert Schuman


Opening hours to the public :

Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm (except Tuesday afternoon)

Reception of the public only on appointment fixed by the continuing education service

Contact email address:

Contact à ajouter
Administrative Manager
Contact à ajouter
Gestionnaire administrative Formation continue et Enseignement à distance
Contact à ajouter
Administrative Referent
Contact à ajouter
Pedagogical referent