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Clémentine PERRET
Former student? Already!? After graduating from the Master 2 in Public Business Law and Public Contracts at the Faculty of Law in Aix-en-Provence last July, I didn't expect my university career to be so "fast". Last year, in M2, I was able to do 7 months of internship in two different entities. Entering the world of work as an intern is not easy, but it was a real springboard for getting a job after my studies, increasing my skills and gaining autonomy. I even asked myself if I was in the right place, but I can answer today - September 15, w […]
Clémentine PERRET
Former student? Already!? After graduating from the Master 2 in Public Business Law and Public Contracts at the Faculty of Law in Aix-en-Provence last July, I didn't expect my university career to be so "fast". Last year, in M2, I was able to do 7 months of internship in two different entities. Entering the world of work as an intern is not easy, but it was a real springboard for getting a job after my studies, increasing my skills and gaining autonomy. I even asked myself if I was in the right place, but I can answer today - September 15, working at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Officiers de Sapeurs-Pompiers (ENSOSP) as a public purchaser -: yes, I am in the right place. A good start to the transition to a fulfilled adult life.
As part of my Master's degree in Air Transport Law and Management at IFURTA, I did my end-of-studies internship at Châteauroux airport with the airport's security manager. These few months in an airport were a great opportunity to develop my knowledge of the air transport sector and to better understand its diversity, since Châteauroux airport is the seat of many aeronautical activities different from the classic commercial passenger transport: specialized freight, maintenance, dismantling, aircraft painting, training centre for aerodrome firem […]
As part of my Master's degree in Air Transport Law and Management at IFURTA, I did my end-of-studies internship at Châteauroux airport with the airport's security manager. These few months in an airport were a great opportunity to develop my knowledge of the air transport sector and to better understand its diversity, since Châteauroux airport is the seat of many aeronautical activities different from the classic commercial passenger transport: specialized freight, maintenance, dismantling, aircraft painting, training centre for aerodrome firemen, pilot training, manufacturer tests, ... This internship also confirmed and even strengthened my will to work in the airport sector. After IFURTA, I looked for a first position on an airport platform, before finally being recruited at the beginning of 2016 by the Union of French Airports (UAF) as a lawyer, a position I still hold today. UAF, which has since become UAF & FA (Union des Aéroports Français et Francophones Associés), is the professional organization of French airports, whatever their size and specialty. Its main mission is to defend and promote the interests of the French airport community with French and European decision-makers. In the context of my duties, I am required to advise and inform UAF members on all legal issues that may affect them: competition law, State aid, insurance, public property, concession law, personal data protection, etc. I am now very pleased to return to IFURTA as a lecturer in the "Airport Management" seminar to present the French airport network and the different management methods of the platforms to the students. I am also in charge of the course "Organisation and European and international air law" within the Professional Licence "Airport Logistics and Air Transport" of the IUT of Evry.
The Master's degree in Banking Law and Wealth Management is the ideal path to the wealth management profession! This sandwich course is a real asset for integration into the working world. Not only do the students leave with a 5-year degree, but they are also experienced. This Master's degree has the advantage of combining theory and practice, thanks to the periods spent in companies, and to the national certification of Wealth Advisor issued by the Ecole Supérieure de la Banque, a training organization recognized in the banking industry. In a […]
The Master's degree in Banking Law and Wealth Management is the ideal path to the wealth management profession! This sandwich course is a real asset for integration into the working world. Not only do the students leave with a 5-year degree, but they are also experienced. This Master's degree has the advantage of combining theory and practice, thanks to the periods spent in companies, and to the national certification of Wealth Advisor issued by the Ecole Supérieure de la Banque, a training organization recognized in the banking industry. In addition, the diversity of the lecturers allows for a better understanding of the different facets of wealth management. For several years now, the master's degree has been taking part in the Agefi Grand Prix for Young Graduates, alongside the major French universities and schools. This competition, which is both collective and individual, reveals the best Masters and the young talents of each year. For me, this will remain a great memory: a real team effort that highlights our training and skills. After spending a year in Luxembourg with Crédit Agricole Indosuez, I am currently a private banking advisor with LCL in Aix-en-Provence.
The Master's degree in Banking Law and Asset Management allows you to combine theory with practical application, thanks to the work-study programme. The knowledge acquired during the Master's course enabled me to be autonomous in the professional environment. As far as the teaching is concerned, the University offers a high quality course, with various interesting and very enriching modules. The work-study programme allows me to acquire professional skills that have enabled me to feel comfortable in my job (I did my work-study at BNP Parib […]
The Master's degree in Banking Law and Asset Management allows you to combine theory with practical application, thanks to the work-study programme. The knowledge acquired during the Master's course enabled me to be autonomous in the professional environment. As far as the teaching is concerned, the University offers a high quality course, with various interesting and very enriching modules. The work-study programme allows me to acquire professional skills that have enabled me to feel comfortable in my job (I did my work-study at BNP Paribas Banque Privée as an advisor in Private Banking for individuals). Moreover, being in the professional world allows you to take responsibility for your work, especially in the banking field. The combination of training and work experience (theory and practice) has enabled me to meet the expectations of clients and banks alike. I am currently a wealth management advisor at Société Générale in Versailles.
This last academic year has allowed me to combine theory and practice, as an apprentice lawyer within CoSMoS. Indeed, as the Master 2 in Sports Law is a sandwich course, the students have the possibility to apply all the notions studied during the school curriculum, but also those acquired during the courses given during this year. In addition to gaining new skills, the training allows, in addition to learning, to put into practice various legal concepts, through exercises carried out in class (writing a sponsorship contract for example). These […]
This last academic year has allowed me to combine theory and practice, as an apprentice lawyer within CoSMoS. Indeed, as the Master 2 in Sports Law is a sandwich course, the students have the possibility to apply all the notions studied during the school curriculum, but also those acquired during the courses given during this year. In addition to gaining new skills, the training allows, in addition to learning, to put into practice various legal concepts, through exercises carried out in class (writing a sponsorship contract for example). These different tasks allow students to work as a team while developing their legal reflexes. This enriching year ended with a professional bridge with the conclusion of a fixed-term contract in the legal department of CoSMoS. I would like to thank all the teaching staff who participated in this achievement.
Adrien MULIC
The Master 2 in Sports Law is an ideal course for students wishing to work in the legal departments of professional sports clubs or sports federations! This training is provided by a high quality teaching team and the numerous speakers of the Master 2 provide students with a concrete overview of the world of sport. The possibility of doing the course as a sandwich course is a real asset which allows students to put into practice throughout the year, during their periods in companies, the theoretical knowledge provided by the course by integra […]
Adrien MULIC
The Master 2 in Sports Law is an ideal course for students wishing to work in the legal departments of professional sports clubs or sports federations! This training is provided by a high quality teaching team and the numerous speakers of the Master 2 provide students with a concrete overview of the world of sport. The possibility of doing the course as a sandwich course is a real asset which allows students to put into practice throughout the year, during their periods in companies, the theoretical knowledge provided by the course by integrating the reflexes provided by practice. At the end of their training, the graduates of the Master 2 benefit from a quality training and a diploma recognized on the job market reinforced by a one-year professional experience. My experience with the Girondins de Bordeaux club was an enriching and formative experience that taught me a lot about the profession of lawyer within a professional football club. Finally, at the end of my year of work experience, I had the opportunity to extend my experience within the club.
The Master 2 Business Law course in Sports Law offers a work-study programme. The fact that I can combine theoretical and practical skills is the main reason why I chose this Master's degree. This course allows me to have a first real experience in the world of work, beyond the various short internships I did before. It is an asset for the University, for the company, but also and especially for us, students. Indeed, it allows you to put into practice all the skills and advice acquired from your teachers. I was thus able to do my work-stud […]
The Master 2 Business Law course in Sports Law offers a work-study programme. The fact that I can combine theoretical and practical skills is the main reason why I chose this Master's degree. This course allows me to have a first real experience in the world of work, beyond the various short internships I did before. It is an asset for the University, for the company, but also and especially for us, students. Indeed, it allows you to put into practice all the skills and advice acquired from your teachers. I was thus able to do my work-study in the French Aeronautical Federation. In spite of the health context, and the beginning of my internship in telecommuting, this year was very enriching and helped me to build my professional project in more detail. professional project. It allowed me, among other things, to know what I want to do and especially what I do not want to do. This year was very beneficial to me, especially thanks to my tutors who showed me their confidence and made me responsible by giving me a number of important missions. As proof of the trust they placed in me, they decided to offer me a permanent contract, which I obviously accepted. In conclusion, the work-study program is a real opportunity to acquire important skills but also to become known in the sector in which you wish to evolve and sometimes even to sign a contract.
Charlotte LE DIAGON
It is with great pleasure that I completed my last year of study in the Master 2 Corporate Environmental and Social Governance. Despite a year full of upheavals, in particular the Covid pandemic, the Master's team was able to maintain contact with its students in order to get through the crisis together. Throughout this academic year, the general atmosphere has been benevolent and attentive on the part of the Director of the Master, Mr. Lami and his team, as well as the students among themselves. The Master GESE is a beautiful training, enr […]
Charlotte LE DIAGON
It is with great pleasure that I completed my last year of study in the Master 2 Corporate Environmental and Social Governance. Despite a year full of upheavals, in particular the Covid pandemic, the Master's team was able to maintain contact with its students in order to get through the crisis together. Throughout this academic year, the general atmosphere has been benevolent and attentive on the part of the Director of the Master, Mr. Lami and his team, as well as the students among themselves. The Master GESE is a beautiful training, enriching by the contents of its courses as well as by its training in alternation which allows the students to discover the world of the company and to acquire professional competences quickly. The professors and trainers give very specialized courses in the field of environmental regulations and are attentive to the students' needs and give good advice. Thanks to this last year of work-study, I was lucky enough to get a job offer one month after the end of the Master 2. I would like to sincerely thank all the teaching staff for this year 2019-2020.

Albert Viala Foundation (Institut de France) - " Albert Viala Prize 2022 " - Deadline for entries 09 12 2021

Summary of the scheme

Each year, the Foundation awards the Albert Viala Prize for a written work in French, published or unpublished, of a literary or legal nature, having as its object the defence of fundamental freedoms.

Candidates, without restriction of nationality, must have published at least one work in the three years preceding the deadline for applications and must hold a doctorate (PhD or equivalent) from any faculty.

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