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Alexandra Bouscavert, Doctorante au LDPSC
As a member of the class of 2016-2017, I have excellent memories of this university year. First of all, it was a decisive year of orientation. After a M1 in Private Law and Criminal Sciences, I was hesitating between two career paths: the judiciary and a doctorate. The M2 Civil and International Private Law (formerly Fundamental Private Law) allowed me to make a choice without closing any doors. The diversity and quality of the courses offered allowed me to strengthen my knowledge of civil law, which is an important part of the ENM entrance exa […]
Alexandra Bouscavert, Doctorante au LDPSC
As a member of the class of 2016-2017, I have excellent memories of this university year. First of all, it was a decisive year of orientation. After a M1 in Private Law and Criminal Sciences, I was hesitating between two career paths: the judiciary and a doctorate. The M2 Civil and International Private Law (formerly Fundamental Private Law) allowed me to make a choice without closing any doors. The diversity and quality of the courses offered allowed me to strengthen my knowledge of civil law, which is an important part of the ENM entrance exam program. Moreover, the writing of research reports and in particular of a dissertation allowed me to confirm my taste for research and finally convinced me to register for a thesis. It was also a very enriching year on the intellectual level. The courses are very complete, often focused on one or two issues, which allows you to develop your knowledge on specific topics. They are both theoretical, covering the essential notions of the subject, and practical, giving rise to various exercises: sessions to update case law, practical cases, mock trials, etc. A lot of personal time must be devoted to the preparation of the sessions, but this gives the opportunity to do a lot of reading and to reinforce one's legal culture. This is one of the reasons why this academic year is so valuable. Furthermore, oral participation is facilitated by the small number of students, which leads to rich discussions with the teachers and within the class. In retrospect, this is the best year I have spent at the university and I sincerely thank the M2 teachers for their kindness and availability.
Servane Le Dû
My year of Master 2 in Fundamental Public Law in Aix-en-Provence was both fulfilling and instructive. Fulfilling, first of all, because of the links between fellow students coming from all horizons which can be easily established within a small class, but also thanks to the seminars where interactions with the professors are privileged. Secondly, it was instructive, since the excellent public law courses taught there, encompassing both legal theory and the practice of public law, enabled me to hone my skills as a lawyer. I was personally se […]
Servane Le Dû
My year of Master 2 in Fundamental Public Law in Aix-en-Provence was both fulfilling and instructive. Fulfilling, first of all, because of the links between fellow students coming from all horizons which can be easily established within a small class, but also thanks to the seminars where interactions with the professors are privileged. Secondly, it was instructive, since the excellent public law courses taught there, encompassing both legal theory and the practice of public law, enabled me to hone my skills as a lawyer. I was personally seduced by the theoretical teachings which were missing from my training and which, however, help to forge and solidify our knowledge of the Law. Beyond learning, this year was also for me the one of open-mindedness and the acquisition of a solid legal culture, essential to any good lawyer in the making. Thanks to all this, I was finally able to obtain a doctoral contract in order to pursue my thesis at the Institut Louis Favoreu in Aix-en-Provence.
Hélène Meurin, Doctorante contractuelle en Droit public
After having completed my entire training at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, I chose to join the M2 DPF at the University of Aix-Marseille. This is the best way to go on with a thesis, or simply to ask yourself questions about what you are doing in the legal field. It is about becoming an actor and giving depth to one's activity as a lawyer. The student is led to ask himself: what is law? What are the implications and postulates of this or that legal reasoning? What do I think about these points? In parallel, more material conside […]
Hélène Meurin, Doctorante contractuelle en Droit public
After having completed my entire training at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, I chose to join the M2 DPF at the University of Aix-Marseille. This is the best way to go on with a thesis, or simply to ask yourself questions about what you are doing in the legal field. It is about becoming an actor and giving depth to one's activity as a lawyer. The student is led to ask himself: what is law? What are the implications and postulates of this or that legal reasoning? What do I think about these points? In parallel, more material considerations make the year enjoyable. The division is as follows: S1 classes and midterms, S2 dissertation or internship. During the first semester, at least two days are "free" per week, which is precious time for personal work. This also makes it possible to make progress on the dissertation/internship research, or a possible complementary student work. In summary: this M2 will teach you to arm yourself to feed your own reflections, and to empower you in your work. Do not hesitate to contact the ILF Student Association if you have any questions!

Linguistic Justice - University of Paris I - Webinar "The Language of the International Trial

The European Union's language regime is unique in the world. Referred to laconically in the Treaty of Rome (see Article 211 EEC, now 342 TFEU), it is the subject of the first Council Regulation (1/58) adopted on 15 April 1958. The text has not changed since then, except in the number of official and working languages it enshrines (originally four, now 24). The stability is only apparent, however, and is less a sign of real agreement on the practices followed than of the difficulty of agreeing on another system.

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