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ADEME - AAP - theses (2024 edition) - deadline 03 29 2024 at 16:00 (Paris time)

ADEME - AAP - theses (2024 edition) - deadline 29 03 2024 at 16:00 (Paris time)

1 Summary of the scheme

Thesis projects must involve a doctoral student, a host laboratory, a thesis director and a co-financing partner (public or private): the amount of ADEME co-financing is 50% of the doctoral student's remuneration.

In exceptional cases, ADEME may provide 100% funding for certain projects (particularly in the human and social sciences).

ADEME is the doctoral student's employer (remunerates the doctoral student).

ADEME - AAP - theses (2024 edition) - deadline 03 29 2024 at 16:00 (Paris time)

ADEME - AAP - theses (2024 edition) - deadline 29 03 2024 at 16:00 (Paris time)

1 Summary of the scheme

Thesis projects must involve a doctoral student, a host laboratory, a thesis director and a co-financing partner (public or private): the amount of ADEME co-financing is 50% of the doctoral student's remuneration.

In exceptional cases, ADEME may provide 100% funding for certain projects (particularly in the human and social sciences).

ADEME is the doctoral student's employer (remunerates the doctoral student).

AAP ANR Soutien aux Réseaux Scientifiques Européens ou Internationaux - SRSEI 2024 - deadline (continuous application) 31 12 2024 at 23:59 CET

AAP ANR Soutien aux Réseaux Scientifiques Européens ou Internationaux - SRSEI 2024 - deadline (continuous application) 12/31/2024 at 23:59 CET

The SRSEI program has been created to give scientists working in French laboratories who have submitted a research project as coordinator to European (Horizon Europe) or international collaborative calls for proposals the means to enhance the quality of their application (full proposal or audition) for the final stage of the call in question.

ANR - Specific call for proposals - MRSEI 2024 (European or international scientific networks) deadlines - session 1 on15 02 2024 at 13h00 CET / session 2 on12 09 2024 at 13h00 CET

ANR - AAP spécifique - MRSEI 2024 (European or international scientific networks) deadlines - session 1 on 02 15 2024 at 13:00 CET / session 2 on 09 12 2024 at 13:00 CET

The MRSEI program has been set up to give scientists working in French laboratories the means to submit a research project as coordinator to European (Horizon Europe) or international collaborative calls for proposals, giving them the opportunity to develop ambitious interdisciplinary projects and boost their visibility at international level.

GIS "Patrimoines en partage" prize (several disciplines including law) - application deadline before 15 03 2024

Announcement calenda 1130171

Summary of the general framework

The GIS "Patrimoines en partage" is organizing the first edition of its prize in 2024. The sum of €3,000 will be awarded to the winner for publication support.

Eligible theses must be defended between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2023, at a French university, in French or English (with an introduction and abstract in both languages).

Scientific paper prize of the German Historical Institute (IHA - Paris) - application deadline 01 03 2024

Announcement Calenda 1129855

The Scientific Article Prize of the German Historical Institute (IHA) enables the publication, in the form of an article in German, of the results of an outstanding French thesis or habilitation to direct research in the Institute's fields of research. IHA will cover the cost of translating the article (approximately €2,000). The article will then be submitted to the journal Francia or a relevant German periodical.

The thesis or habilitation must have been defended within the last two years (January 1, 2022-December 31, 2023).

Trade Unions and Workers' Health Project (4-year PhD fellowship) - Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) - announcement in English - application deadline before 05 02 2024

Announcement Calenda 1124959

The Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is recruiting one PhD student to work under the supervision of Prof. Jacques Wels on the UHealth (Trade Unions and Workers' Health) project that is funded by the European Research Council (ERC). The core purpose of the PhD programme will be to address the association between workers' trajectories of union membership and mental and physical health throughout the lifecourse using a set of UK-based and international (Japan, US, Korea and Germany) longitudinal datasets.

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