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The history of authenticity, a pillar of legal security - IIHN - CSN (Paris) - Colloquium (hybrid) on May 20, 2022 - registration required

(Announcement Calenda 986960)

This colloquium, organized over a single day, will return to the historical foundations of authenticity, which is the result of centuries of research into the practice of securing transactions beyond the life of the co-contractors. It is also an opportunity to recall that the notarial profession, as a delegate of the State's authority, has participated for several centuries in the public service of authenticity and land registration as well as in the collection of tax revenues.

Ageing, a social challenge - Conseil d'État - Hybrid conference April 22, 2022 (9:30 am - 4:30 pm) - Paris (registration required)

Information source: "Colloquia and Conferences" section of the Council of State website.

The aging of the population is a growing concern because it affects our society in all its dimensions. However, it represents more of a challenge to which society must adapt in a sustainable manner than a problem. The Conseil d'État is studying the subject and will devote its XIth edition of the Entretiens en droit social on April 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

ANR - AAP MRSEI 2022 - deadlines : session 1 on 07 02 2022 / session 2 on 28 04 2022 / session 3 on 01 07 2022 / session 4 on 18 10 2022


-deadlines: session 1 on 07 02 2022 / session 2 on 28 04 2022 / session 3 on 01 07 2022 / session 4 on 18 10 2022

Call for proposals for the setting up of European or international scientific networks (MRSEI) 2022.

Sources: DRV's email to the units on 21 01 2021 at 8:42 am

1 Summary presentation (DRV pdf of 1 page)

MRSEI 2022 Pdf

Gender, media, power - Université Côte d'Azur (Nice) - Hybrid seminars (21 01 2022 - 15 04 2022) - registration

(Calenda announcement 955230)

The seminar "Gender, media, power" of the interdisciplinary laboratory Récits cultures et sociétés (Lirces), University of Côte d'Azur, aims to present research work crossing communication studies, particularly media studies, socio-political studies and the question of gender. The latter question invests all social and symbolic practices and crosses all fields of research and disciplinary areas.

Thesis Prize (2022) - Foundation for the Memory of Slavery - deadline for entries 10 February 2022

(Calenda announcement 943780)

The Fondation pour la mémoire de l'esclavage awards an annual prize for a thesis. This prize, with a total endowment of €7,000, rewards an innovative French-language doctoral thesis that contributes to a better understanding of the human slave trade, slavery systems, abolition processes and the establishment of post-slavery societies from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, from the end of the 15th century to their contemporary consequences.

Thesis Prize (2022) - Franco-German Committee of Historians - deadline for entries before 15 February 2022

(Calenda announcement 952069 )

The competition for the 2022 thesis prize of the Franco-German Committee of Historians is officially open.

Applications are to be submitted by a member of the committee (excluding thesis directors) for doctoral theses defended between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2021.

The growth paradigm in public law - Campus Condorcet - Hybrid conference January 31, 2022 - February 01, 2022

(Calenda Ad 946424)

Some authorities, such as the European Union, invite us to pursue "sustainable", "green", or "ethical" growth. More radical, some authors urge us to do away with this long-unquestioned "growth paradigm". While this turbulent intellectual context raises many questions, French jurists have never before really examined the issue of growth. This unprecedented colloquium focuses on the growth paradigm in public law and aims to identify its causes and effects, to evaluate the possibilities of overcoming it, and to outline some future perspectives.

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