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Support for the funding of conferences and days on the 17th century - Society for the Study of the 17th Century - deadline for participation 15 June 2022

(Calenda announcement 957032)

The Society for the Study of the Seventeenth Century regularly provides support for scholarly events focused on the French seventeenth century, open to all disciplines. Applicants for this support must provide a detailed description of the planned conference or day, a provisional program and a budget for the event.

Thesis Prize of the Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme (MMSH - AIX - AMU) - deadline for entries May 1, 2022 midnight French time

(Calenda announcement 973309)

The Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme has created a thesis prize to be awarded each year to a doctor who has defended a promising work on Mediterranean and African studies in humanities and social sciences. This call is open to theses written in any language and defended in France or abroad. The 2022 prize is open to theses defended between January 1 and December 31, 2021.

Thesis Prize of the French Society of Urban History (SFHU) - deadline for entries before 12 June 2022 midnight CET

(Calenda announcement 978788)

The French Society of Urban History (SFHU) opens, for its twelfth session, a thesis competition for young doctoral students in urban history, having defended their thesis during the calendar year 2021.

With this initiative, endowed with a prize of 2000 euros, the SFHU aims to encourage young researchers and to promote the widest possible dissemination of their work. The jury may also award a special prize of 1000 euros.

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